Yes, I have read through the sticky at the top
When I am exporting my animated model from blender my options are as follows-
Anim: Selected
Flip norm: Not Selected
Swap zy: Selected
Flip z: Selected
Speed: Not Selected
Then I have selected and hit Export All
That's what it suggests in the sticky. As you have probably guessed, it didn't work for me. The model had its arms and legs in a jumble, and 0 frames. I tried other ways, and the result ranged from a "Could not load object" error message to a .x model which successfully was in the position of the first frame. I have DBP display the "total object frames" and it displays 0.
Alt-A (blender's animation preview) shows my model animating fine.
I looked through the .x file, I don't know the code for it, but on the very last line is the comment "end of root frame." I am certain the problem is in the model, not something I am doing with DBP. I have attached all the files for the model if it will help anyone help me.
Any suggestions?
P.S. It's my first real model using Blender; I know it's bad.