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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / BFG PPU not recognised help

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2006 04:14
I just purchased and installed a BFG PPU but the system does not recognise it (Device manager has no listing). The AGEIA software also does not show any hardware.

I returned and replaced the PPU, it is powered and light up. I switched slots and reloaded drivers V2.6.0

I have been using Dark Physics for a while now in software mode.

Any Suggestions on how to get the PPU working

Thanks in Advance


PIV 2.8 MZ 512 Mem
FX 5600 256 mem
Mike Johnson
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2006 10:50
Does everything show up ok in the Ageia control panel? Are you able to run the diagnostics and the demo program? Are you able to run any other programs that use the PPU?
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2006 19:44
The Agia Control Panel shows the following.
Under the info Tab:
No AGEIA Physx Processor Installed
Driver shows upto V2.5.0 ( I tried V2.6.0)
AGEIA PhysX Hardware Information section is blank

Under the Settings Tab Rest and Diagnostics are grey (Disabled)

Demo runs but only in software

Thanks for any advice


PIV 2.8 MZ 512 Mem
FX 5600 256 mem


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Mike Johnson
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2006 20:06
Might be worth contacting BFG technical support to see if they can assist on this one -
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2006 22:10
I contacted BFG Technical support after being on hold for an hour the only suggestion they made was update the mother board to the latest drivers and bios. It already was updated so no help there.
The motherboard is a PC4-800 deluxe by ASUS mmmm... I wonder if they only support the ASUS PPU & not the BFG PPU

PIV 2.8 MZ 512 Mem
FX 5600 256 mem
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Posted: 22nd Oct 2006 22:31
I have a BFG PPU, and it was just a case of plugging it in, then installing the drivers and it all worked fine, are you sure it's seated properley? and I'm pretty sure the drivers are for xp only so make sure you're running that.

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Posted: 22nd Oct 2006 23:09
Found the problem.. I changed the power cable from the power supply. Even though the card lit up there was not enough power to drive the card.

Thanks everyone for your advice, I hope this helps someone else


PIV 2.8 MZ 512 Mem
FX 5600 256 mem
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Posted: 31st Oct 2006 01:58
The LED's are supplied power via the PCI Bus. The card still needs both 12 and 5 volts from the Power Supply.

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