When you write help files for your TPC's, the keyword sensitive help will happily pop up if the user has the caret on one of your commands and presses F1 (provided you delivered an appropriate keywords.ini file).
Now the problem is that there's no other way to access your help files from within the IDE.
Let's say you have an index or contents file that lists all your commands. The only way the user will ever reach it is to call help on one of your commands and then probably find a link at the bottom of your file that finally brings up your list.
Now I have written a little tool called reghelp.exe that will add your plugin to DBPro's commands.htm file in the help folder.
The commands.htm file is the one that will be displayed if the user clicks on "Help -> Help Contents" and then on "Commands" where all commands are neatly grouped.
Reghelp.exe adds a headline called "Plug-Ins" and lists the installed help files of third party commands. You can register and unregister your plug in with this tool.
A readme.txt with instructions is included.
Now, this solution still isn't ideal but better than nothing, I think. While I don't believe that this tool will standardise the way TPC help files are supplied (we're talking about programmers after all
), I still hope that a few will make use of it.
Oh and by the way: the reghelp.exe itself is ~60k.