but it's not. I threw this example together in DBP to prove it.
sync off
sync rate 20
distance=10 `how far to move sprite each frame
angle=0 `angle of sprite
x=200 `current x coordinate of sprite
y=200 `current y coordinate of sprite
`draw a picture
box 200, 200, 250,250
ink rgb(0,0,0), rgb(0,0,255)
Line 200, 200, 200, 250
line 200,200, 250, 225
line 200, 250, 250, 225
`convert picture into sprite
get image 1, 200,200,250,250
sprite 1, 200, 200, 1
hide sprite 1
`make sure sprite rotates from center
offset sprite 1, 25, 25
text 10,10, "use left and right keys to turn the box"
`check for key press, update angle of sprite
if leftkey() then angle=angle+5
if rightkey() then angle=angle-5
`rotate sprite based on what key was just pressed
rotate sprite 1, angle
`calculate where to move sprite based on rotation angle and distance to move
`add calcuated to master x & y variables
`keep the sprite in the screen
if x>640 then x=0
if x<0 then x=639
if y>480 then y=0
if y<0 then y=479
`there is probably a better way than using paste sprite, but this example was only to
`show the use of sin and cos
paste sprite 1, x,y