It looks like the TreeView Scrollbars don't work. I can scroll using my wheel mouse, but not with the bar.
Here's a self-contained example of the problem (minus the reg key)
global winTree
global tree1
startblue "XXX", "XXXXXX"
function BuildTree()
` Structures
x = addTreeViewItem(tree1,0,0,"ROOT")
for n = 1 to 10
y = addTreeViewItem(tree1,x,0,"Item " + str$(n))
for m = 1 to 10
z = addTreeViewItem(tree1,y,0,"Sub-Item " + str$(m))
next m
next n
function createUI()
If Not GUI_CONSTANTS Then errorMessage "GUI Constants not defined. Please include gui.dba when you compile" : end
`Gadget Constants (gui.dba)
`Robert Knight 2006
`BlueGUI v2. edition
`Information about this file
`Constants give names to numbers. For example, after clicking on a gadget, eventType() will return 514 (which
`can also be written as 0x202). This number isn't very helpful if you are trying to remember it to use in an
`IF statement, or if you are trying to understand some code you wrote previously. Hence this file provides the constant
`MOUSE_CLICK=0x202. In your code you can simply do:
`If eventType()=MOUSE_CLICK
`Which is far more readable, especially when you come back to look at code you have not been working on for a while
`How to include this file
`You do not *have* to use this file, but it is strongly recommended. In order to use this file, you can either put
`#include "gui.dba"
`at the top of your main source file, or you can use the Browse button on the Files tab (normal editor) or the Browse button
`above the includes list on the Project tab (BlueIDE)
`This is used so you can tell if the gui.dba file was included or not
#constant GUI_CONSTANTS 1
`eventType() Constants
`These are the different types of messages which eventType() can return.
`[Advanced Users: These are the same as the WM_XXX messages used by the Windows API. For some messages the eventData() and
`eventDataEx() information may be changed by the DLL to make it more convenient for users]
#constant COMMAND 0x111
#constant MOUSE_CLICK 0x202
#constant LEFTBUTTON_UP 0x202
#constant RIGHTMOUSE_CLICK 0x205
#constant RIGHTBUTTON_UP 0x205
#constant MOUSE_MOVE 0x200
#constant GADGET_TIMER 0x113
`old value - #constant MENU_CLICK 0x111
#constant TOOLBAR_CLICK 0x111
#constant HOTKEY 0x312
#constant LEFTBUTTON_DOWN 513
#constant RIGHTBUTTON_DOWN 0x204
#constant KEYDOWN 0x100
#constant KEYUP 0x101
`old value - #constant COMBOBOX_CHANGE 0x111
`old value - #constant TREEVIEW_CHANGE 0x111
#constant LOSEFOCUS 0x8
#constant GADGET_SIZING 0x214
#constant GADGET_SIZE 0x5
#constant WINDOW_CLOSE 0x10
#constant MENU_CLICK 0x0400+1
#constant COMBOBOX_CHANGE 0x0400+3
#constant TREEVIEW_CHANGE 0x0400+4
`setPanelBorderStyle Constants
`These values are passed as the borderStyle parameter of setPanelBorderStyle to set the appearence of a panel gadget
#constant BORDER_NONE 0
#constant BORDER_FLAT 1
#constant BORDER_3D 2
#constant BORDER_SUNKEN 3
`setGadgetAlign Constants
`These values set how the gadget auto-aligns to its parent
#constant ALIGN_NONE 0
#constant ALIGN_ALL 1
#constant ALIGN_TOP 2
#constant ALIGN_LEFT 3
#constant ALIGN_RIGHT 4
#constant ALIGN_BOTTOM 5
`Standard Toolbar Buttons
`These are the values you pass to addButton to add standard buttons like file open / save, cut/copy/paste etc. to a toolbar
`In order to use these, you must call addStandardButtons immediately after you create the toolbar, eg:
`addStandardButtons toolbar
`addButton toolbar,TOOLBAR_OPEN,0
#constant TOOLBAR_CUT 0
#constant TOOLBAR_COPY 1
#constant TOOLBAR_PASTE 2
#constant TOOLBAR_UNDO 3
#constant TOOLBAR_REDO 4
#constant TOOLBAR_DELETE 5
#constant TOOLBAR_NEW 6
#constant TOOLBAR_OPEN 7
#constant TOOLBAR_SAVE 8
#constant TOOLBAR_HELP 11
#constant TOOLBAR_FIND 12
#constant TOOLBAR_REPLACE 13
#constant TOOLBAR_PRINT 14
`createWindow Style Options
`These values are passed to createWindow to set the style and appearence of the window.
`Generally speaking, the only values you will normally need to use are WINDOW_NORMAL or WINDOW_FIXED for the styles parameter,
`and either 0 or WINDOW_TOOLWINDOW for the extraStyles parameter.
`If you want to put multiple styles together, just add them! (see WINDOW_NORMAL comment below)
`Gives the window a titlebar
#constant WINDOW_TITLEBAR 12582912
`With the exception of toolwindows,
`this also adds a system menu and icon to the window
#constant WINDOW_CLOSEBUTTON 524288
`Windows with a maximize button must also have a close button
#constant WINDOW_MAXBUTTON 65536
`Windows with a minimize button must also have a close button
#constant WINDOW_MINBUTTON 131072
`Allows the user to drag the edges of the window to resize it
#constant WINDOW_RESIZEABLE 262144
`A window with no border
#constant WINDOW_NOBORDER -2147483648
`Like a normal window, but with a thinner frame and no system menu - usually used for floating toolboxes.
`standard styles (created from ones above)
`A normal resizeable window with close,min & max buttons
#constant WINDOW_NORMAL 13565952
`A dialog-type window with a caption and close button but a fixed size
#constant WINDOW_FIXED 13107200
#constant WINDOW_OVR 0
`setListViewStyle Viewing Mode Options
`Listview gadgets are highly flexible, and have several different ways in which they can display information. These are the
`different possible viewing style values
#constant LISTVIEW_ICON 0 `Big icons with captions underneath, ideal for texture/model browsers etc
#constant LISTVIEW_REPORT 1 `A table where each item can have additional information (subitems) listed as well
#constant LISTVIEW_LIST 3 `Small icons with captions to their right.