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DLL Talk / trouble with sparkys collision dll

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Joined: 19th Oct 2006
Location: Netherlands
Posted: 31st Oct 2006 08:38
Hi all,
i recently downloaded sparkys collision dll and tried to adapt his sliding collision demo to my FPS game. Unfortunately, where in sparkys demo the collision is nice and smooth, in my game it jitters back and forth when i collide with an object, plus, sometimes its allows me to go straight through an object.. i need some serious help. There is a lot of code involved, but since its pretty much been copied over from his program i see no reason why it would work differently for mine.
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Joined: 19th Oct 2006
Location: Netherlands
Posted: 31st Oct 2006 16:46
isnt it funny how problems that boggle you for hours can be solved with a few simple backspaces? I accidentally forgot to change a variable name when porting code and as a result, sparkys dll was using a radius of 0 to calculate collisions. Once this was corrected, it all ran perfectly in my game.

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