There is now an editor, and also many more levels to play!
It is in rar format(it's free to get winrar) because zip was twice the size!
To add a part to the editor, put the model in the editor\parts folder. Each part must have only one texture.
The green/red flags in the editor can be moved with the controls at the bottom, and specify where the ball start and end is.
The controls are much like DeleD, (which it is very roughly based on)
You can see the current part in the top left window, and can change part by using the arrows to each side of the window.
You can rotate/zoom/move in both views, but the controls are slightly different.
After you have placed a piece (by left clicking) you can move, rotate, and scale it using the relevant tabs.
Click insert under the part window to get that piece ready for using. Left click in the main view to place it.
Main camera controls:
Arrowkeys: zoom/pan
Mousewheel: zoom
R-click drag: rotate camera
Shift+R-click drag: zoom
Ctrl+R-click drag: pan
S key to save your model
Part window controls:
R-click drag: drag-rotate the part
Mousewheel: zoom
Shift+Mousewheel: fast-zoom
Ctrl+R-click drag: Pan
I will await your comments