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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / EAI WIP Video Thread

Errant AI
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 00:20 Edited at: 18th Dec 2006 18:53


11/02/06 added 1/8 speed Hand demo to YouTube:

11/14/06 added an anim and function demo for my M203 to YouTube:

11/14/06 uploaded video with revisions on M16 series animations:

Heyas, I finally got a video together of the stuff I'm working on. The vid came out darker than intended, so there are a lot of little details that get lost like animation of the bolt catch and magazine retainer on the M16 variants.

This is essentially baseline animation test footage of FPSC and DBP weapon I'm making. These are the models that have been upgraded to an articulated hand rig. This video should give a good impression of the numerious variations that will be made available.

Release date TBA.

Please remember, this is W.I.P. Animations will be modified from this point to achieve more individuality as these progress. I am aware of certian issues like needing to change the flash signature to birdcage style on the battle rifles. Also, some of the trajectory for brass is a bit wonky and icons out-of-date and the sounds will unfortunately need to be replaced. But your C&C will nonetheless be appreciated!

Also, feel free to comment and see what else is in the works at the EAI forums.

Features the following (in order of appearance).

M9 series: M9w/VLI; M9; M9SD

G1X series: G17; G17SD; G18; G18SD; G17L

Mk.XIX series: Mk.XIX

M4 Series: M4A1w/M203

M16K series: M16Kw/carry handle; M16Kw/CH mounted reflex optic; M16Kw/KAC BUIS; M16K w/reflex, KAC BUIS; M16Kw/HWS, KAC BUIS

M16A4 series: M16A4; M16A4 w/reflex, PEQ2; M16A4 w/CH mounted reflex; M16A4w/HWS, BUIS; M16A4w/ACOG, BUIS (don't wory the map is only placeholder on the ACOG); M16A4/M203; M16A4/M203 w/ reflex, BUIS; M16A4/M203 w/HWS, PEQ2, BUIS

RO635/633 SMG series: 635w/ "Cut" carry handle; 635w/ "Cut" CH, reflex; 635w/ "Cut" CH, HWS; 635SDw/ "Cut" CH, reflex.


Obligatory screenie:

Here's some VWEAP pics:

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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 00:30
As always Errant AI awesome work, this def a pack i will have to get when it come's out.

Good Work

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Errant AI
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 00:49
Thanks S4!

I realize people will be satiated for a while with model pack 5 out now but I figure there's nothing wrong with a little variety
Jon Fletcher
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 01:33 Edited at: 1st Nov 2006 01:34
amazing work, the video was extremelly impressive and the animations had such a natural flow

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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 01:47
Very amazing.
You have my buy when they come out.


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Errant AI
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 02:00
Thanks Jon! I've never really animated anything other than mechanical animations so it's been a learning experience. Hope you're not too mad at me for posting this stuff today. I figured you're gonna make a killing anyways so what the heck

Thanks iGd!
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 02:40 Edited at: 1st Nov 2006 02:41
OK, We all bow down....Love the last gun in the preview. *Sings- Ya know it's hard out here for a pimmmmpppp....when ya tryin ta get dat money fo da rent........* The gansta grip on that pistol rules. No offence to Jon and TGC, but I'm thinkin the timing of this is horible for them......
Errant AI
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 02:59
ROFL Glad you got a kick outta that, Loc! It lines pretty good to NPCs when standing or cowering. I'll have to try out some more wacky stuff now that I have the articulated hands... I'm thinkin' a "I'm pinching your head" weapon.

I still have VWEAPS and sound FX to sort out so there will be plenty of time for Mr. Fletcher to cash in his sweet, sweet royalty checks. I hope to appeal a bit to the DBP crowd as well since MP#5 is FPSC only.
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 05:18
K.I.T.H 790 Exterminator. Excellent choice of a weapon to model. Yeah you sent me back to the drawing boards on my hands. Even though I liked mine, you articulating them as pushed the bar up, and now I have to. That makes a huge difference. Did you bone um or just to vertex animations? They look real constant to not be boned. I didnt see verts shift at all.
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 05:38
Looks awsome, can't wait!

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Errant AI
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 05:52 Edited at: 1st Nov 2006 05:54
LOL Is that's where it's from? I had totally forgotten but I used to watch that all the time so it makes perfect sense.

Yeah. Boned for sure. I more or less owe Stormboy for pointing out that not having them is just being lazy. Once I get things locked down a bit more, I'll actually go to the trouble of enveloping and weighting for a larger range of deformation. As they are, they're pretty mission-speciffic so to speak.

edit: cross-posted with Airslide: Thanks, Man!
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 06:01
Quote: "cross-posted with Airslide"

Ah, I've had that happen a couple times on the fourms, sometimes its a bit funny Particulalry when your going to ask someone something and their awnser is placed above your post microseconds before

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Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 06:38
Ill buy it tommorow, well i WISH i could. . . you can release it right now and get alot of money, altho i think a melee weapon would be nice... *cough* lead pipe *cough* lol

Errant AI
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 06:44
Haha Thanks Bloodeath 6 6 6! I'm definately going to venture into the melee department a bit. I've got a few experimental methods I want to try out and a simple object like a pipe would be a prime candidate. I'd also love to make a chainsaw and some of those sweet weapons from the back-alley brawl in "Anchorman" lol
Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 06:46
lol, well honestly can you atleast give me a rough estimate when you think EAI will be released, becuase asap would be great , is there any way i can like pay the money up front for all the stuff you have done now, *like tommorow or something* and then you just send me updates in the future? if not its cool
But i didnt think youd go thru with your project and itd be such a success, well it makes my eyes bleed to say this. but its better than model pack 5 In my opinion...and i want your pack. very very badly

Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 06:51
Now that i look at it the hand movement for all the guns whilst reloading is a little slow, i mean if its like too hard to do now, or it takes up too much animation *im not an animator* you should make the hands actually touch the ammo reel

Errant AI
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 07:00 Edited at: 1st Nov 2006 07:13
Yep. That's the kind of thing I still need to work on and you'll see it evolve as things near completion. This video is the first time I've really been able to sit back and analyze the timing and animations so I'm seeing a lot of things that need fixing. It's as much a tool for me as a teaser for others.

To answer your other questions, I'm focusing mostly on the weapons shown with hopes of late November release and additional models added to the store as time goes on. That way people will have a chance to get some of my stuff before the nvidia compo is over. I should also clarify that I won't be releasing one big mega pack but going for more of a micro-transaction business model so people can pick and choose what they want at cheap prices and not end up with a dozen variants that they'll never use. I'm also looking into subscription systems but no promises.
Jon Fletcher
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 10:40 Edited at: 1st Nov 2006 11:07
Quote: " to cash in his sweet, sweet royalty checks."

you make it seem like im in it for the money.

Errant AI
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 11:01
I know you're not but money for a job well done is allways sweet and royalty checks are all the sweeter because you don't need to actively do anything to get 'em

I have a feeling that as long as FPSC remains a product your pack will continue to fly off the TGC FTP servers. I bought model pack 1 and 2 the same day I bought FPSC and have bought Bond1's pack since then. I'll likely buy yours too eventually.

Anyways, as someone who's interviewed a few artists in his time, I know this is going to look great on your resume and I hope that it's a stepping stone to great success for you!
Jon Fletcher
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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 11:11

ive joined your forums, hopefully i can learn a bit there

im determined to start on some new weapons now that i have seen this, get more into normal and specular mapping

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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 17:28
OH SWEET JESUS!!! Those are brilliant!!!!!

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Posted: 1st Nov 2006 22:24
I want the gangster pistol!!!

awesome work!
Errant AI
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2006 03:29
Jon, That's awesome I'm looking foreward to seeing what you do with that sci-fi looking rifle on your website.

Thankyou Opposing Force, Your enthusiasm is quite motivating!

Bullshock 2, I'm starting to think that I may need to offer a parallel set of gangsta anims LOL
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2006 09:59
Your weapons and hands are just like counterstrike source!
I'm serious cuz i got that game.
Hands look very alike!
But 1 thing though about the animation in ur video:
it was good but the reload for the rifles looked like you didn't make the fingers move at all. Is that true?

Keep up the great work!

Errant AI
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2006 11:26 Edited at: 2nd Nov 2006 11:26
Thanks Tj, I'll take the CSS comment as a compliment!

You're right. The fingers are fully capable of moving but the current animation revision doesn't have much movement durring the magazine change-out. That's because these are the baseline animations. Think of it from a global-change perspective. Timing and overall feel is what I'm working on now.

Feedback has been positive on the overall feel so I feel confident that I can start detailing the animations from what you've seen so far. Because the size/shape of the magazines vary between the M16s and RO635s, I'll be tailoring the hand movement accordingly in comming revisions. If you log into the EAI forums and peek in the Skunkworks board you might find something of interest if you want a better look.

I've also added the following video to YouTube:

I'll add this link and future video links to the original post, btw.
Bloodeath 6 6 6
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Posted: 2nd Nov 2006 15:44
it looks great besides the fact the hands too fast for the ammo clip

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2006 00:56
Errant AI, this pack looks great. Would you like to re-sell via TGC as an official add-on pack?

If so, email me at

BTW, some of the weapons seem to have scopes, would be nice to see a zoom view on those.

Rick Vanner

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2006 01:33
Shoot, I won't be able to use these in DBP either if you accept

Ah well, you might want to accept Rick's invitation, they can get you all the sounds you need and get it a bit more exposure....

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2006 05:03
Airslide, I'd wait on his reply. Errants a pro, and from what we've all read in the time he's been here is that intentions for FPSC was to be able to show his work as an artist(more of a portfolio). He also said he was hoping to cash in on the DBP guys that can't use Jons. Plus he'd be killing himself for any other engine and I don't think hes got the need for a "first commercial sale" that Bond and Jon had. His guns and animations would be beautiful in any engine, and I speak from experiance as I've got the M9 he shows in his last vid though a trade.

If he thinks about it, perhaps he'll even rally for you DBP guys before any contract is signed. He's got leverage Bond and Jon didn't.
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2006 05:09
True, and I hope so, cause it would really add some much needed 'spice' to some of my DBP projects that currently are stuck with some pretty bad DarkMatter 2 models...

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Posted: 3rd Nov 2006 05:22
Wow i hope errant excepts, only because he deserves it Errant you do such a good job, id except because more coverage means more money

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Jon Fletcher
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2006 16:01
congrats on the invitation errant! though locrian's words make sense, i'll wait and see what happens.

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Posted: 4th Nov 2006 00:05
He already told me he won't, thank god, cause that way us DBP users (and the Torque users out there) will also have some quality media

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Jon Fletcher
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Posted: 4th Nov 2006 00:45
Quote: "He already told me he won't, thank god, cause that way us DBP users (and the Torque users out there) will also have some quality media "

a part of me thought he wouldnt, when it goes beyond industry standard, its just not meant for things like FPSC.

never know though

Errant AI
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Posted: 4th Nov 2006 00:50
Exciting craziness huh?

Thankyou Rick, I've sent you an email with some questions. It's nice to be validated by catching TGCs interest and it truly is an honor

Thanks for that Bloodeath!

Loc, you're right about my original intentions. Strange thing is that I've become pretty inspired by the indie community as a whole, so I'd like to be able help all the gamemakers that I can.

Airslide, It really comes doen to that TGC's definition of re-seller is. If it means FPSC only, then yep. It's a no-go. This has been a difficult decision for me because I'm basically flat-broke. I don't keep close tabs on the pulse of the DBP/C side of things so I only can hope there's a desire there for madia like I am offering!

I also really hope this doesn't put TGC off to adopting some models from me in the future because I think its great what their products bring to the industry.

Thankyou Jon! Lets hope I'm not slitting my own throat
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Posted: 6th Nov 2006 11:05
beautiful. I downloade this vid at the same time as model pack 5. Watched the vid while MP5 was installing and then tried out the new pack and ( no offence Jon) but after the video Model pack 5 kind of paled into insignificance!

This is incredible work man! I know you said alot of the animation was just placeholder until you tweaked it for each specific gun, so I guess this comment may be irrelivant, but the machineguns didn't really see to be "kicking" enough. The M16 variants I felt could have had more blowback per shot. Lets be honest though, this pack can elevate the standard of Hud weapons to the level of most commercial games.

(having said this, I just bought FarCry for a fiver and Jons m16 is far nicer than the FarCry version!)

EAI I seriously hope you don't take TGC's offer, you could make more money through independent sales, and it's important that TGC has some kind of competition.

Best of luck with this man, I wish you every success.


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Posted: 6th Nov 2006 22:08 Edited at: 6th Nov 2006 22:09
Thanks Butters! So sorry I haven't followed up on your email. btw. Between this and getting my website put together I've been running a little ragged.

I appreciate all comments so it's not irrelevant... Lets me know what catches other peoples eye so I can address those things first or at least move them up the priority chart.

TGC's reseller program is pretty good and non-exclusive too. Thats fantastic news. I do think it's a little odd and unballanced content-wise for a "pack" though.
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Posted: 7th Nov 2006 06:53
Maybe us Beyond virtual guys will be able to use them as well. Just need the .fbx format.


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Posted: 7th Nov 2006 15:16
It looks awesome, do you have any rough idea when its going to be released *a month would do, or a week or too excited

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Errant AI
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Posted: 8th Nov 2006 12:51
RF, I hope to support whatever's out there and viable in one way or another. It's mostly a matter of buying engine licenses so that I can do testing. I'll also make multi-use, raw assets available at some point.

Thankyou, Shadow7. I'm hoping to have something that looks and moves better than what I've seen of Black by the time I'm done so hopefully I'll have something really special to offer up.

Bloodeath, I've allready started setting up my store and there's a chance that there will be an early release for FPSC savvy folks that don't mind copying/renaming sound effects if they don't wish to wait for original sfx.

Well, I'm finally getting back to these after a few days of working on other things and I'll be making a revision pass on animations. I'll be addressing magazine change-outs and firing anim issues. If people have have crits on the anims, nows a good time to speak up. I also have a thread on my temp. forums for anyone who wants to throw their .02 on the table.

Thanks again for the comments, I should have another vid up in a couple of days. I'll try to make it less dull than the last one.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2006 11:19
you can upload videos to my new website for fps creator videos !
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Posted: 12th Nov 2006 14:53
Two crits from me. Sorry if someone already mentioned it but on the dual G-18 I think it was, on the reload after the player drops the clips, it doesn't look like he puts a new one in. And on the G-17, or "Gangsta" pistol, the hand doesn't move while shooting.

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Errant AI
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Posted: 12th Nov 2006 16:03
Thanks for the crits, Havok. Everything in the "B reel" section is basically trash animations or things that I added because in my odd way I thought they were funny in one way or another. The hands on the akimbo deagles don't move either. They were totally static.

I know I said I'd have another video up earlier in the week but I got sidetracked making bowling pins

Revised the M16 family animations and am in the middle of redoing M203 launcher animations.
Errant AI
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Posted: 14th Nov 2006 22:58
Uploaded video with revisions on M16 series animations:

And added an anim and function demo for my M203 with calibrated flak reticle:
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Posted: 14th Nov 2006 23:32
Excellent. I mean what else is anyone going to say. I know it's certainly pushed me, you being on this site.
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Posted: 15th Nov 2006 01:56
Yeah what else can i say but Excellent as well, dame fine work.

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Posted: 15th Nov 2006 16:01 that is some of the best animations I have seen it’s up there with any professional games like kill zone or half life

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Posted: 16th Nov 2006 16:46
I just got the chance to watch these videos of yours on YouTube.
I have to say if a modeler could be jealous of another modeler then I am jelaous.
These are some of the best weapons/animations I have seen in any game...not just FPSC.
Excellent job.

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Posted: 16th Nov 2006 19:29 Edited at: 16th Nov 2006 19:33
Yeah, I say we round up some of the younger forum members that make annoying post and give Errant a virgin sacrifice......I know he's my god, and I bow to his low poly §|{!££Z

*dose Aztec chant and dances around EAI logo inbedded in floor*
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Posted: 16th Nov 2006 22:07
Errant, seriously, I am proud of a fellow modeller doing something so fantastic. I showed all my friends the videos (though I am sure most of them didnt understand what I was so excited about! ).

And I am happy about the fact that you arent just giving in to the TGC offer. I wouldn't know anything about commercial sales (I have never sold anything in my life ), but make sure your pack is allowed to be sold to anyone and for any purpose. That will get you much more exposure and income.

good luck pal.


-- n00b at playing games...and now at making em too :p --

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