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David iz cool
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Posted: 6th Nov 2006 15:02
hi,will dbp physics ever have some kind of wind physics simulation??

maybe someday??

General Reed
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Posted: 8th Nov 2006 11:00
Its simple, you just add a force to each dynamic object, and the lighter the objects are, the more the force is applied.

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David iz cool
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Posted: 8th Nov 2006 16:54
dark coder
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Posted: 8th Nov 2006 18:17
Quote: "and the lighter the objects are, the more the force is applied."

For what reason? As it should infact be the opposite if you wish to fake some sort of a wind resistance into your simulation.

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Posted: 8th Nov 2006 19:42
Quote: " "and the lighter the objects are, the more the force is applied." "

If an object is lighter as an other one, the lighter one will automaticly react easier to the "wind-force" as the heavier object! (The masses, friction etc. of the objects influence his behaviour!)

Dark Coder is right:
For moving objects a "wind-resistance"-force would be more correct, so that a car wouldn't accelerate that good the faster it gets! (The faster it gets the higher this force becomes!)
(If it moves with the wind: depending how strong the wind is, up to some point the acceleration would benefit from the additional wind-force! The forces would add together. The faster the car gets the lower this effect becomes!)

That's how I would see it! (Would produce some work to implement it in the "professional" way! )

I think that's why "David iz cool" asked, if there's some predefined force for this effect!


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David iz cool
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Posted: 8th Nov 2006 22:51
well,i just want my characters' hair to blow around in the wind.also the tree leaves to move realistically.

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Posted: 9th Nov 2006 01:32 Edited at: 9th Nov 2006 01:33
@ "David iz cool"

As I remember right from the samples from the AGEIA-SDK-Examples (C++) I torn appart a year ago, they circled through all objects to apply a specific force to all dynamic objects!

Maybe a trigger-zone created around the desired objects can reduces this process to the only needed ones! (Just an idea I had in this moment!)

Good luck (post a pic of your success, if possible, would be nice to see the result)!


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Posted: 9th Nov 2006 06:21
Quote: "well,i just want my characters' hair to blow around in the wind.also the tree leaves to move realistically."

heres a quick idea i just came up with for what you want(untested, just a theory):

1) for hair blowing in the wind, you could set up a bone(or set of bones, depending on the complexity of the hair); set up a dumby object on the head that has the 'wind force' applied to it; apply another force like elastic so that the dumby object cant go too far. then, rotate/position the bones/limbs of the hair to match the dumby object. then, they hair will flow in the direction of the wind.

2)for leaves swirling in the wind, you might not even need physics(except for the leaves colliding into other objects). to have them swirl, you could use a mathematical function for a spiral; have the leaves' x and z positions follow the spiral(with randomness added in so that it doesnt look fake). then, set the y as a function being so that the leaves move closer to the ground as x and z approach 0 on the spiral. also, to add even more realism, you could move all of leaves in a group in one direction so that the leaves spiral while heading in a certain direction

i could go into more complexity with this if i had dark physics, but thats the gist you could work with. i hope you could understand what i ment

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David iz cool
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Posted: 9th Nov 2006 16:46
thanks for the ideas! ill try it out.

offtopic,but does anyone know when dp will be updated??
mike said he was going to give us an example for a character controller bumping things around,also some new commands & stuff.
im anxious to see it.
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Posted: 9th Nov 2006 16:57 Edited at: 9th Nov 2006 16:58
I think we all are excited to see which AGEIA-Version he will implement / convert into DP!

In his thread is nothing new to see.

I hope he will give a statement there soon!


Athlon 64X2 4800+ (939);
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GeForce 6800LE (@12 Pixel-Shader-Units, 6 Vertex-Shader-Units; GPU: @ 380 MHz, RAM: 434 MHz)

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