Wow. Wow. Begin someone who makes platformers themselves, that looks very impressive so far.
I can model cartoony humanoids, and make cartoony textures for them if you want. But I'm not very good at animating yet, and not that good with teams, and I'm entirely not sure you could rely on me for the next one or two weeks... so if you want I could be sort of a last resort in that category.
I can model other things as well though, and much faster. My models are pretty low poly, and more stylish than anything. ...and I always export my models in direct x.
But I'm not one of the modelers of the forum any way you look at it. I think my models are good enough for my own projects, but have not modeled for someone else's before. So if you're interested, I'm willing, just cautioning you...
Please don't post in the thread my sig leads to.