While working on my FPS engine - Alpha Glow - I created lots of in-house dev tools to work with. I also wanted to fully use features that 3D Cloth & Particles Expansion Pack gives. For WYSIWYG particle creation I use
BatVink's SmartParticles, but for cloth there wasn't such tools so I decided to make my own.
It's called Alpha Cloth Editor and it gives you the following possibilities:
Create cloth with desired size, segment count, elasticity and mass
Fix box region gives you the ability to fix any region of your cloth
You can 'shoot' with collision objects and see how your cloth reacts to collision
Gravity and wind is applied and are fully controllable
Load and save created cloth to a *.clt file for use in your game
Windows interface
Are there any-one who is interested in this tool, because I heard that DarkPHYSICS supports more advanced cloth simulation and there are not many who uses this plugin.
If there will be people who want to use this then I'm going to finish it (not much left, only some small tweaks).