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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / DarkFaction: FREE (Full Version)

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Posted: 11th Nov 2006 02:30 Edited at: 11th Nov 2006 04:08
The game took so long to make, it would be a shame not to release it even with the limitations of the game engine. Here it is, the full version, totally free.

Full Version now Free on FileFront


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Posted: 11th Nov 2006 04:11
Hi Tyler,

Well, I *could* have marketed the game if I had gone back and completely re-done it with the latest engine release, but I decided to move on.

I am currently writing the DFII game outline and working on character/level designs. I don't know yet when I'll start on it. I'll let you know.

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Posted: 11th Nov 2006 06:50
Dang thats terrible man. Sorry to hear all the works kinda for naught. I'm downloading it now as I type, but it's sad to a great game get sidelined by it's restrictions. Well whatever engine you work with, if it's not FPSC, we hope you keep in contact. Some of us would be interested in following the progress of this.
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Posted: 12th Nov 2006 01:48
well, i know theres UNITY 3D , ( its 1500 dollars...bungie used it for the physics of halo1.

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Posted: 12th Nov 2006 03:45
Sorry to hear that you had to scrap marketing because of engine limiations - I'm downloading now, it looks really good. I've been planning to buy from the start, anyway.

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Posted: 12th Nov 2006 03:58
Yeah shame to hear about this and hope the follow up works out better for ya.

i also would be interested in following the progress of the new project.

All the best

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Posted: 12th Nov 2006 10:31
Do you want feedback on it?

Because, to be honest, i doubt you'll like it.

The main problem was lag. Lots of it, in fact, i think only 5% of the levels that i played (prologue & Mission 1) were in 30fps. Most of the time it was below 10fps and this really started to annoy me.

Another rather poor point in the level designing aspect is the endless amount of long corridors. Why can we just have room and room? This would make the game more interesting and more involving, since at the moment you spend half your time running down corridors, only to find another corridor around the corner. Its like trying to get to gate 1 at Gatwick south (anyone who's been on an internal flight from Gatwick will know of the half-a-mile walk). This mass of corridors only added lag.

Finally, your comrade who heals you actually hurts you. he'll follow you everywhere and when he gets too close he hirt you and brings you health down! Its a good job he can heal you as well.

It wouldn't be fair for me to critize your work this much and not compliment it at the same time. So, firstly, the cut-scenes looked great, i really enjoyed watching them (depite them being very short). I'm almost inspired to buy Max and do what you've done.

The story, too, is also original. Its an interesting 'what if?' situation, i think a good level to have would be the remains of one of the bombs cities (something for DFII perhaps).

Hope you're not too offended, this is just my opinion,

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Posted: 13th Nov 2006 01:33
It was pretty laggy most of the time for me, but I managed to fix that by disconnecting my internet and turning off my antivirus,firewall and such - which I later learned gave me an extra 500 free mbs of memory, and his game ran MOSTLY fine. I haven't finished it yet but I ran out of time on the 3rd level of mission one (had to go somewhere) so I'll have to reply that mission.

One suggestion I would have given for the menu interface is that, once the user enters the code, it saves the code that they entered into the save file (not a variable like: level 2 unlocked, but actually the code so someone would still have to know it even if they tried to hack it) so they don't have to enter it in again, it would really help

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Posted: 13th Nov 2006 01:50
Thanks for all the comments and critiques. To be honest, I had made all the corridors thinking it would speed up the frame rate (less total polygons in the level) but I was wrong on that point.

DFII will probably be made using Torque, but I am also testing the GameStudio engine (A6) as well. It's really a shame that FPSC doesn't have the flexibility and engine speed that these other game making systems have. I can only imagine that TGC is trying to stay in the $50 range of software.

If FPSC was a fast, solid engine and with the ability to have inventories, mulitple cutscenes, better ambient sound capability, smarter AI, etc.. I would not hesitate to remake DFI and make DFII with it nor would I be against paying $500 or more for the software.

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Posted: 14th Nov 2006 00:24
Quote: "mulitple cutscenes"

It works in the new update

Quote: "smarter AI"

Lee did happen to mention Dark AI and Dark Lights are probally coming to FPSC!

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Posted: 15th Nov 2006 15:41
Oh blooming heck I use an internet cafe and I can't fit a file that large on my memory stick shame it looked just great

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Posted: 18th Nov 2006 01:11 Edited at: 18th Nov 2006 01:12
I have just downloaded it. The demo would not let u pass 1 freakin' level. I even swapped their names around ( I didn't download the secondary download yet. If this full version lets me do this I will be happy. Thanks.
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Posted: 18th Nov 2006 01:50
Uh, did you try running the launcher to play, not 'engine'? You have to get the code at the end of each mission to continue to the next.

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Posted: 18th Nov 2006 23:08
I Downloaded and it got to 99% with 30 seconds to go then my computer crashed. lol i'm downloading it again
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Posted: 19th Nov 2006 02:39
Quote: "why wernt u able to market the game?"

I suppose I *could* have tried to sell it "as is", but I just don't think the FPSC game engine is ready to produce marketable products. When games like F.E.A.R. and HL2 sell for around $30-$40, I don't think anyone would be happy with the limits of an FPSC game for any price.

I'm not putting FPSC down, I just don't think it's good enough for commercial games yet. Hopefully, TGC will put more effort into producing a version that we can use to produce games with the speed, stability and features of other less expensive engine/game creation systems like Torque, GameStudio or Truevision.

masterchief 193
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Posted: 21st Nov 2006 18:23
Stick with FPS creator... there making it for direct x10 and it looks awsome.

masterchief 193
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Posted: 21st Nov 2006 19:01
Oh forgot, Torque Game Engine is only 150 and it has all the tools you need to make Darkfaction 2

masterchief 193
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2006 02:10
Played the game and I'm very impressed . Your the best at making games for FPSC.

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2006 16:09
Quote: "Oh forgot, Torque Game Engine is only 150 and it has all the tools you need to make Darkfaction 2"

I have Torque already. I have no problems making the models and levels, but I'm not much of a programmer. Always learning.

Quote: "Played the game and I'm very impressed . Your the best at making games for FPSC."

Thanks for the compliment!
I hope that FPSC continues to evolve because FPSC makes it easy to concentrate on the aesthetics of a game rather than focus on the mechanics.

masterchief 193
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2006 18:37
Yeah I looked on the torque web site and I was instantly confused about the torque script or whatever they use, but i have to agree that it looks great. I'm like you "But I'm not much of a programmer. Always Learning." So I'm gonna stick with FPSC for now. Good luck in Torque.

masterchief 193
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Posted: 22nd Nov 2006 18:39
Post a demo up at the torque site and i'll check it out.

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2006 21:24
It looks rather bland, no offense.

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Posted: 24th Nov 2006 01:44
Quote: "It looks rather bland, no offense."

I don't take offense to a user's opinion. I have posted before that I purposely used mostly default object, textures and segments to show the masses what can be done with FPSC "right out of the box".

Thanks for taking time to post.

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Posted: 25th Nov 2006 01:11
Ah... okay, didnt read that

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Benjamin A
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Posted: 27th Nov 2006 01:43 Edited at: 27th Nov 2006 01:47
Quote: " suppose I *could* have tried to sell it "as is", but I just don't think the FPSC game engine is ready to produce marketable products. When games like F.E.A.R. and HL2 sell for around $30-$40, I don't think anyone would be happy with the limits of an FPSC game for any price.

I'm not putting FPSC down, I just don't think it's good enough for commercial games yet. Hopefully, TGC will put more effort into producing a version that we can use to produce games with the speed, stability and features of other less expensive engine/game creation systems like Torque, GameStudio or Truevision."

I don't agree at all. There are more then enough people willing to buy a FPSC game, as long as it's reasonably priced and their aware of the fact that their not buying a fear/hl2 like game.

FPSC is good enough for commercial games, not in the high priced game range, but it can compete with other indie games out there. But, it takes careful planning, designing, adjusting and even a lot of rebuilding of levels if needed to get the wanted result.

The problem I do see with a lot of FPSC games not being marketable, isn't caused by the engine, but by the game designer. Perhaps people aren't going to buy the next plain old FPS created with FPSC, since at the same price range you can get much better ones. But, people will buy a FPSC created FPS game when you do add an uniqueness to it, something original, a fun-factor or whatever you want to call it.

That's what makes a game marketable and if you do find that for your games they will be marketable, no matter the engine you do use. There are games around that proved to be very marketable, being made with far worse engines then FPSC. It's not the tool that determinses the markebility of a game, it's the game designer.

Don't create what everyone else has already done, but find your own uniqueness factor and you're game will be maketable.

DF1 has really been done well, it's for sure one of the best fps games created with FPSC, and I'm aware that may people around here are very excited about the game (including TGC), but comparing it to other indie games in it's genre (that are being sold on the web), it didn't stand out. When looking at the target market for DF, it will be hard to take a piece of that market as is, imo. While as an fps game, it does stand out around here, it doesn't stand out in the general fps crowd.

I really do hope you're going to add something to DF2 that makes it unique, that adds something to the game that makes it original, stand out of the fps crowd. If you can manage that and maintain the good look and gameplay of DF1, you're going to have a marketable game, inspite of having made it with FPSC. The uniqueness factor makes up for many many lack of features.

Don't know if you've ever played Tribal Trouble, I know it's not a fps game, but still a good example. There are many many indie rts games around and until now none of them really could compete with the big guys. Tribal Trouble is one of the least featured rts games around, doesn't look as cool as many the others do and lacks a lot of things. It's not a bad game at all, but it's for sure not the best one around either. Still it can compete with the 'big guys', and playing it is very captivating. Even though it lacks everything to a be a truly great game, it still is (and that's not just my opinion), the game is doing very very well.

Why, it has the uniqueness factor, it adds something to the game, that makes you want to play it and even leave the Age of Empires 3 or so in the box.

Find that for your next game and you've got a winner also.
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2006 01:54
Nice post Benjamin! I now register you as a mod in my world.

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Gemstone Games
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2006 09:08
You know the worst part about it?

I saw a game advertisement in GameInformer a few days ago that had an identical premise--what if the Germans had won WW2 instead of the Allies--and was being addressed like a brand new idea. Well, obviously there IS a market for that kind of game, if the big guys are doing the same things us little guys are doing.

Oh, and CiC...


Formerly JMC...
Benjamin A
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Posted: 2nd Dec 2006 12:15
There is a market indeed, but you've got to move fast to get in there. Taking ideas from others is very common, so if you've got a great idea, don't share it until you're totally ready with the game.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2006 07:32
After Playing, I feel almost compelled to write this review...

When I first began to download DarkFaction I was as gitty as a small schoolgirl since I had been looking forward to this game for a very long time. Seeing as how this is such a big thing for me, I can't possibly fit all the topics together and still be able to make sense. So here is my Review of DarkFaction:

Graphics - All though most of the graphics were just the default stuff that came with FPS Creator, I was still impress by all of it. Sadly though, the long, dull hallways all began to run to together as I kept seeing identical ones over and over again. It was kept fresh though by some os so pretty cutscenes. ***1/2

Sound - Now, I know this was an Indie game but I have to point out that the voice acting for this game was lame at best. The music though fit the over all mood of the game. ***

Gameplay - Now this is where the proverbial crap hits the fan. The gameplay was terrible. This was mainly due to the fact that I never hit 30fps even on my brand new rig. There were momments in the game where everything came to a sad, screeching halt. The FPSC engine though, is partially to blame for this though, so some of it could not be helped. *1/2

Pros - Great "What If?" storyline, Awesome cutscenes.
Cons - Same boring hallways one after the other, almost unplayable at times.

Final Word - I really wanted this game to be a hit. Sadly though, it might as well be a flop. Better luck with DFII.

Average Score (Out of Five) - **1/2

Benjamin A
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Posted: 4th Dec 2006 09:35
Now that's what I do call an honest review. The game has much potential, but not as is, it's a good thing that DF2 is in the making and hopefully it will really make the game soar. One thing I've been wondering for a long time, why TGC made such a big thing about this game, even devoting a whole page to it. Still wondering why they've singled out this game with all of it's lacks and problems. It has a lot of potential, but to call it an excellent FPSC game, is a bit far stretched, especially since we've seen much better creations around.
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Posted: 11th Jun 2024 18:46
18 years later, DFII is being developed in UE5 as a retro-gameplay FPS.

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