I made an editor for my Mapping Script, which basically is a script that loads levels into your game. There's a post somewhere in WIP that explains it all, I'll find it in a minute.
Here you go:
Anyway, it basically imports models, or you can create primitives, and move them, scale them, rotate them, that kind of stuff. It also supports lights, textures, colors, yeah. Only thing I have left to do is make functionality for alpha mapping and world settings such as ambient light. It also is capable of making object groups, not so you can move lots around, more like something like this: All static objects are group 1, all rigid bodies are group 2, all enemies are group 3 (they dont have to be, that's just what I would do). When you load the level into the game, you can then check if an entity is part of a certain group, so that for example, the enemy chases you and tries to kill you, not the building
It exports as a .txt with the level code, which can be imported into DBPro using the function
loadMap(map$) (also can be found in the other thread).
Here's a screen of what it's capable of right now:
I don't have time to upload it tonight, but I can do it by tomorrow.