lol still havent had time to get around to getting the bugger to workin - gonna post up an exe?
... anyone played neocron? ... might just be me, and usually i'm optimistic about many games - but that one just really blows
on a 56k it isn't worth trying because you get a ping of around 800 (even on 56k thats bloody high!) plus rather than smoothing out the code using interpols its tries to run you at realtime, causing the Jumps that Quake3's netcode is famous for.
Finally tried it on a T1 line, and i'm like oki my ping is now at 80 (yeah why the heck so high!?) and trying to get to grips with that interface is a nightmare, so i ran through training ... just to end up even more confused than before
And some stupid person kept paginging me about a blasted internet site, i couldn't get rid of the message. I like walked into my residence and ping - there it is again and i can't see where the heck i'm going.
I swear the whole game musta been planned by a monkey who'd played DeusEx once and figured it'd make a good MMORPG
right now i'm addicted to TheSims Online those little online peeps are insane
Can't Believe us beta testers get months for free and a 2week head start on the normal suckers
Me and two mates have decided to team up, gonna have the first Monopoly in Simsville jack up the prices for our internet cafés and stores, make all the newbies pay through the nose - Mwhahaaa!
Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!