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The 20 Line Challenge / swirlies and boxes :p yay!!!

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Joined: 22nd Apr 2003
Location: Twilight Zone
Posted: 25th Apr 2003 02:00
heres my 20 line code, creating patterns, etc. (bit pathetic) so Enjoy

X=mousex() : Y=mousey() : X1=rnd(320) : Y1=rnd(240) : X2=X1+1+rnd(320) : Y2=Y1+1+rnd(240) : RgbForeValue=RGB(rnd(255),rnd(255),rnd(255)) : RgbBackColor=RGB(rnd(255),rnd(255),rnd(255)) : RadiusValue=rnd(100) : RadiusX=rnd(100) : RadiusY=rnd(100) : ComponentValue=rnd(255)
if rnd(500)=1 then CLS RgbBackColor
if rnd(5)=1 then INK RgbForeValue, RgbBackColor
if rnd(5)=1 then DOT X1, Y2
if rnd(5)=1 then BOX X1, Y1, X2, Y2
if rnd(5)=1 then LINE X1, Y1, X2, Y2
if rnd(5)=1 then CIRCLE X, Y, RadiusValue
if rnd(5)=1 then ELLIPSE X, Y, RadiusX, RadiusY
set cursor 0,0 : print "BASIC2D EXPRESSION DATA"
print "point:";POINT(X, Y)
print "rgb:";RGB(ComponentValue,ComponentValue,ComponentValue)
print "rgbr:";RGBR(RgbBackColor)
print "rgbg:";RGBG(RgbBackColor)
print "rgbb:";RGBB(RgbBackColor)
Years of Service
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Joined: 22nd Apr 2003
Location: Twilight Zone
Posted: 25th Apr 2003 02:02
PS move your cursor around to start off a new swirl, in a different colour

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Joined: 28th Dec 2002
Location: UK
Posted: 25th Apr 2003 02:04
ohh yey!!!!

lets back eachothers posts!

I have a word of advice...
..don't piss on an electric fence!
Years of Service
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Joined: 13th Oct 2002
Location: Canada
Posted: 25th Apr 2003 02:13
you should ..erase your text..each loop..
and yeah...its a ...littlebigbit..pathetic

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