Well in the sprite of the threads purpose...
I am using the library in conjunction with a Visual Studio 2005 application that I envisioned as the next version of our existing Claims Explorer application I developed some years ago.
Claims Explorer displays Day level detail of a particular person Mental Health claims/authorization/eligibility/Clinical Notes/ other bits of HC related data all correlated with one another in time and allows all manner of drill down into the 'Nitty Gritty' of that information. Primarily used as a research tool by members of the Health Care community and those paying the bills. (State and County government agencies in public sector healthcare)
I am attempting to use the DBGDK libraries to take the visualization of pattern in all this data beyond the flat 2D visualizer I wrote so long ago.
To be able to expose things like…
Regular pattern of disparate occurrence between unassociated providers of service. (Not to force members to see a certain set of providers but to open dialog between providers of coordinated care, think the left hand talking to the right hand).
To be able to show severity of condition via say size of rendered iconic symbol rather than having to interact with the visual to glean more information.
To be able to add motion to the symbols to represent various additional aspects of a given service delivery like (Multiple services in a limited time frame usually a single day).
The possibilities are great. To that end I have crafted a number of helper class's then encapsulate and extend functionality contained within the library to support my own endeavors. I still say the documentation has been poor but overall I am getting there. I have the basic engine that will open op claims and gather a give member’s history. Rip through that history and add a number of shapes to the scene, arranging them across the scene as they occurred in time. If more than one thing happened on a given period then shape will be added slowly rotating in place. Meta data about the information that spawned that shape is added so as the user mouse’s over the shapes that metadata is passed back to the user via a tool tip window at the moment.
All of this is basically mimicking the existing 2D visualizers I wrote years ago bit adding motion. The aim was to get the existing functionality happening then to expand the scope and power of the visualization techniques leveraging the DBGDK library...
Lonnie Allen Watson
rmag.blogspot.com (blog)