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FPSC Classic Work In Progress / Winners of October's Level Design Competition...and their Levels.

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Posted: 27th Nov 2006 20:39 Edited at: 30th Nov 2006 17:03
OK, it's finally time to show off what a bit of thinking outside the box can do for you. This was a tough theme this month, but many of the entrants pulled it off well. All contestants did a great job in their entries this month; they just keep getting better every contest.

Anyways; enough of my blabbering....on to the Winners!

The Winners:

- 1st Place: Luke314pi, with [b]Quest of Murgore (119 pts.)

- 2nd Place: Benjamin, with The Messenger (116 pts.)

- 3rd Place: Flashing Snail, with Big Bang (110 pts.)

The Runners-Up

- 4th Place: Avenging Eagle, with Agent 10 (97 pts.)

- 5th Place: Higgins, with The Mine (92 pts.)[/b]

- 6th Place: Silent Thunder, with Lab Strike (84 pts.)

- 7th Place: Filya, with Desert (81 pts.)

- 8th Place: Jenkins, with Reign of Maticus (78 pts.)

- 9th Place: NueB, with Puzzled (76 pts.)


Remember; 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Winners get the following automatically: TGC Model Pack 5, Ozark Games WWII Pack #1, and either Landscape Pack 1 or Mega Music Pack (by Benjamin)....additionally; you may pick one prize from the regular list, according to your ranking:

- Higgin's Horror/Fantasy Bundle Pack

- Luke's Horror Accessory Pack

- Silent Thunder's Mega Segment Pack (101 floors, and 58 walls)

- Airslide's Decal Maker V6

- BullShock's E.C.S. Pro

**To get Model Pack 5, you must get in contact with Jon Fletcher; who will in turn, get into contact with TGC.**

4th and 5th Place Finalists may pick either Landscape 1 or Mega Music Pack (by Benjamin).

Thanks again for all the participation, and a round of applause goes to the Judges.

See you next month.


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Posted: 28th Nov 2006 00:36
Anyone who picks Decal Maker know this - it's going to be a little while, I'm still rewriting the new version, and school+the Nividia contest isn't exactly helping Though if one does choose it they'll get the so called 'Bundle' that will have Decal Maker and the FPSC Content Installer, they'll get both when they make final release (I'll also let them become a beta test for Decal Maker if the choose)

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Posted: 28th Nov 2006 00:51
Better post this in the Main FPSC Chat thread as well.

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