Hi thierry st malo. To use the DBWindowControl.dll, all you need to do is go into design view. Then rightclick on the control list where all of the other controls are ( ie: Button, Label, TextBox, etc... ) and a menu should appear. Select "Choose Items...". A dialog box will appear, make sure you're on the ".Net Framework Component's" tab ( you should see a list of components ). Hit the browse button, and browse for my DBWindowControl.dll and open it. It should now appear in the ".Net Framework Component's" list and checked. If it's not checked, then check it. Hit "OK". The control should now be in the list of controls on with your Buttons, Textbox, Labels, Etc.. Just simply click the control and draw it onto the form now. After you've added the control to the form. All you need to do is call the function DBViewport1.Initialize(Height,Width,Depth) after the DGDK.Initialize function. Height, Width, Depth being the screen resolution you want for the viewport.
Note: Standard Keyboard and Mouse input from DBP will not work properly, so use the KeyPress/MouseClick events from the control.
Heres an example project using the control ( VB.Net 2003). Though it should upgrade to Express ( 2005 ) just fine.
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