i'm not saying mixxing genre is a bad thing... but when you take two totally different genre's suchas strong story based RPG which thrive on making sure the user is following the story and combine it with a fast action (or what SHOULD be) First Person Perspective, then you have to do something good or unique.
Theif2 did this quite well if you ask me, the gameplay itself needed ALOT more work - but the actual game was pretty cool as a semi-rpg
and Half-Life2 seems to also be along the lines of becomming another good crossbreed.
sometimes it works but oftenly it doesn't.
and when space invaders was out there wasn't really anything called a genre - you had 3 types of game pong, pacman & shoot everything in sight.
Genre's have grown on thier own accord - and oftenly crossbreeding them leads to really really really bad games.
as for what Van said... yup Elite2 91-94 i played that EVERYDAY for ages, oftenly getting up 2hrs before school to play some more
and i still have it and play it from time to time when i get really stressed.
Elite & Elite2 are just the master games imo
Within the Epic battle of the fates the Shadow and the Angel will meet. With it will harbinger the very fight of good vs evil!