The motion blur effect is caused by a combination of turning off the backdrop (BACKDROP OFF - tells DBPro to stop clearing the screen, which would usually leave a big repeating mess behind when objects move around the screen) and by creating a 'skybox' with a semi-transparent material. The 'skybox' in the case of the demos is a textured sphere.
The reason this works is because the semi-transparent 'skybox' erases a certain amount of the leftover graphics from the previous frames, but not all of it. So after a number of frames it will succeed in erasing everything and this results in a motion blur effect.
Does that make sense? To get a better idea of what's happening, try messing around with the alpha transparency percentage of the object. I would assume that setting it to be ALMOST completely transparent would mean it would take a lot longer to erase the previous frames, and vice versa.
Hope it helps.
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Best regards,
World Famous 3D Screensavers
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