This is a fatal game of paintball, where you die if you lose all your health! Everybody is a spheroid, and everybody except you is trying to kill you!
Arrowkeys to move
Mouse to turn
L-Click to shoot
R-Click to jump
There are no crosshairs, because you don't have crosshairs in real life!
This is the AI for every enemy:
If they can see you:
---If you can see them:
------Randomly move left, right or forward whilst shooting
---If you can't see them:
------Creep up behind you whilst shooting
If they can't see you:
---If they have just seen you:
------Go to where they last saw you
---If they haven't seen you:
------Go to a random place
If they get stuck:
---Try jumping
---If they are still stuck:
------Choose a different random destination
If anybody falls to the ground too hard, they lose health.
After the last dead body has faded away, or you have died, the game finishes.
I'll show one screenshot, but many will give too much away:
I hope you like it