Its simply not true that either large rooms, large levels, complex detailed levels, or line of sight in themselves necessarily cause either Serious Lagg Issue or low fps.
There are many factors involved and every user will find differeing results depending currently especially on which engine version they use, their system and set ups overall and indeed their level design and content.
I have complex outdoor levels where I have a line of sight the whole length of the world size one end to another and achieve max fps and in a small corner facing a wall with nothing beyond can have 5fps. Line of sight or whats in view or numbers of polys have nothing at all do do with the issue of serious lagg as far as the level designer is concerned.
You can fill the FPSC world with complex content indoors and include many hundreds of entities I have well over 600 and have no lagg whatsoever.
Current versions with anything more than a few characters in view at any one time can see return low fps but its not relative to the Serious Lagg Issue. There are numerous issues realted to paths, physics, collision and script errors and many other issues which can also cause fps drop offs.
The issues are many and complex and experience using FPSC is the best helper in each individual case. Everyone can follow good basic design principles which should help too but they alone will not be enough if you want creatively flexibly designed levels - much use of every and all optimising techniches and methods will be required to maintain the maximum fps speeds needed for fast gameplay.
In indoor levels if slowdowns occur look for reasons for a possible leak and seal everything in an outer perimiter of completely enclosed walls - you add polygons in theory by if you know you seal a leak and indeed there is one if fps drops then the result will be less polys in the compile and faster fps.
Drawing levels accounting for line of sight on paper may help but FPSC compile wont always calculate polys in numbers as you see line of sight should make them. FPSC sees around corners and through solid walls to far away places when it wishes ignoring human logic. Seal leaks and look in wireframe mode to find uneccessary polys being dawn out of sight even at opposite ends of a level to player position when out of view from any location and take steps to remove them and you wont go far wrong.
If you are happy with very small simple levels and you game can accommodate that then you reduce opportunity for speed reducing factors to creep in to your games and lessen the need for any form of optimisation but again thats no guarantee.
Hard work is the ultimate solution.
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