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Dark GDK / DGDK.NET NGC or Sparky pretty pretty please

Dangerous Dan
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Posted: 11th Dec 2006 05:23
Hello Apex and all. Has any thought been given towards getting sparky's or Nuclear Glorys collision dll's up to date with .Net?? I posted awhile back on the NGC boards and mat said to check in with you. From what I understand though, the original dll source is required so unless you have that, I don't see what you can do about it. I was really just wondering because I'm having quite a bit of trouble doing collision detection of that caliber myself. I realize that you wrapped up ODE but that just isn't really what my application calls for. Well, that and ODE goes tits up on trimeshes

Can you shed any light on if the following are headed towards .Netness.


Without these things I've been seriously contemplating looking for another engine. Price be damned. Every time I try to find a workaround for something I just keep going back and wishing I had access to these DLL's. So far the DGDK.NET has been a joy to work with and if these dll's were available, well, not only do they boost the hell out of productivity, in may cases, it's the only way I know how to do some things.

Let me know if any of this is in the works. It will help greatly with my sanity.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2006 08:44 Edited at: 11th Dec 2006 10:18
Yeah, I can understand your frustration. As it is though, I can't convert these plugins unless either the authors thsmselves do it, and I can always help in this department, or they just willingly allow me to convert the plugins for them using the source.

I may have to chat to Matt to see if he's willing to do this as I know that Nuclear Fusion is at the forefront of their product line which will very much likely use NGC internally. I'll chuck him an email and see what he's willing to do.

As for EZRotate, this was brought up once before, and Wolf was planning on looking at it at some point. He'll have to post himself on whether this is the case. Here's the thread discussing the very issue:

As for Sparky's DLL, I'm none to sure about this. Unless you can nudge him about it or whether he would be interested in me converting it for him?


Miguel Melo
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Posted: 11th Dec 2006 09:59
Which reminds me, I must ping Matt to see if he's come to any conclusion on why picking doesn't work from my DGDK wrapper...

I have vague plans for World Domination
Dangerous Dan
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Posted: 11th Dec 2006 16:53
@Apex Thanks for the response. I will get busy pestering the heck out of folks then I had a conversation with Matt over on the NGC boards (
and he indicated that if you wanted to do it, he would give you anything you needed. Now I realize that this is much work on your part but it MAY be worth it just to have this available for DGDK.NET.

Now, look out Wolf and Paul! I don't really want to ride you guys like rented mules but, these plugins are just to valuable to live without It's your own fault for making them so good.
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Posted: 11th Dec 2006 17:18
I've spoken with Matt about the NGC stuff, so the wheels are turning on this front.


Dangerous Dan
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Posted: 11th Dec 2006 17:24
@Apex that is awesome news indeed! I have also fired off emails to Paul and Wolf as well.
And so it begins.

Thanks for the genuine interest in this topic Apex. I can't help but think that these products will raise the value of the DGDK.NET product even further than it already is.
Dangerous Dan
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Posted: 12th Dec 2006 19:45
Okie dokie... I've received word back from both Paul and Wolf. The word I've had is that with the Holidays being crazy busy for everyone that after the new year we may be able have these awesome tools available to us. I appreciate the time taken on this a ton.

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