I have the high score table working in my game, and it loads and displays the scores and names fine from a dat file.
However, when i make my game into a final executable then when i click to load up my high score table it just displays a row of zeros as if nothing is in the file.
Here's part of my saving code at the moment.
IF FILE EXIST("hiscore1.dat") THEN DELETE FILE "hiscore1.dat"
OPEN TO WRITE 1,"hiscore1.dat"
FOR listEntry = 1 TO 10
WRITE STRING 1,Names$(listEntry)
WRITE LONG 1,Scores(listEntry)
NEXT listEntry
Here's the part of my code that displays the scores when i bring up the high score table,
FUNCTION DisplayHiScores()
Position = 100
FOR listEntry = 10 TO 1 STEP -1
text 250, Position, Names$(listEntry)
text 310, Position, "" +str$(Scores(listEntry))
Position = Position + 15
NEXT listEntry
Any ideas why it's not working in the final excecutable?
Thanks in advance.