good first attempt
But you have to consider a thing called poly count. each one of those "squares" on the shape is a "poly" or "polygon" (and these will be doubled as each of those squares needs to turn into 2 triangles when you get it ingame
). You cannot have too many polys or FPSC will slow down when you try to import it
. I know it's your first model so im not moaning at you or anything, just trying to help
I always think its better to learn these kind of things earlier than later; so that you can develop a moddeling style which is low poly but still looks amazing.
And about the texture: Get good at modeling first and then we can help you with applying a texture and eventually geting it ingame.
gw:tyrano man-lvl 20 E/Mo
tyrano man kill-Lvl 8 W/Mo
rs:tyrano man 2-lvl 68