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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Ideal Crate Settings?

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Posted: 17th Dec 2006 00:24
Sorry to post so many threads here recently, but I'm slowly getting used to Dark-Physics, so please, bear with me . Now then, today I tried working on a system where the player can push crates around to achieve certain things (think Zelda crates, boy, are those things versatile!) but Ive yet to come up with an effective system for pushing crates. I'm of course using the character controller, and to my knowledge that wont automatically push crates around for me. I managed to get the crates to the point where they're pushable, but they really arent realistic. By that I mean they bounce about and wobble like they weigh next-to-nothing. I tried adjusting mass, gravity, but to no avail. Any ideas?

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Posted: 18th Dec 2006 01:20

Quote: "Sorry to post so many threads here recently, but I'm slowly getting used to Dark-Physics, so please, bear with me"

New threads are what keep the forums alive

There are a number of ways to push objects like crates and I have applied various forces dependent of collision or simply added an invisible static capsule at the characters position. All you need to do is move the static object to the same position as the caracter controller.

Without seeing any of you code I would look at the actual size of your objects to see if they are reasonable. it is important to realize that Dark Physics uses metric base values so 1 unit equals 1 meter. So is your crate is 10 x 10 x 10 units for example it is 1000 cubic meters of volume at 500 kg / meter = 500000 kg or around a million pounds. That takes a lot of pushing assuming it is not hollow.

I used the following site for the density values

my advise is to always try to work in realistic values
Hope this helps


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Posted: 18th Dec 2006 02:01
Interesting, I didn't even take size and units into consideration. Would the fact that my player model comes out to only 1 unit tall and less then one unit wide be causing a problem?

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Posted: 18th Dec 2006 05:02
Model units and all objects can be described using decimals but make sure if you are using variables to use reals (VAR#) TO ensure the desired accuracy.


Did you intend to have a 3 foot tall character?

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Cash Curtis II
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Posted: 18th Dec 2006 14:59
SageTech, just double the size of your characters. If you don't, then you'll need to alter the gravity to match.

How are you pushing them around? I've found that positioning a kinematic box at the same location as the character controller will push things around convincingly.

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Posted: 18th Dec 2006 21:58
I edited the size of the character a bit, and reworked how I moved the crate. As you suggested, I came upon the idea of using kinematic boxes to do the pushing, and sure enough it works. However, the way the crates move is more or less, unconvincing. The problem is once you push, it tends to lean forward and wobble back and forth before settling down. As a crate, it should remain on the floor, no wobbling at all. Any ideas on what I could do to make the crate stay flat on the ground?

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Battle Legacy has gone MMORPG! Nah, Im just kidding. But seriously, check the WIP

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Posted: 19th Dec 2006 02:56
What are you parameter for the crate size, material, mass etc? and what forces are you applying to make it move

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Posted: 19th Dec 2006 03:05 Edited at: 19th Dec 2006 03:43
I suppose these questions can best be answered by supplying my code. Luckily, I just started a new game engine from scratch, so it only takes up about 100 lines as of now. I temporarily removed the crate material as nothing seemed to work on it, but if you can somehow manage to get it to work, Id be grateful. Cheers.

Edit: I forgot the code! Sorry.

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Battle Legacy has gone MMORPG! Nah, Im just kidding. But seriously, check the WIP

Cash Curtis II
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Posted: 19th Dec 2006 14:37
Your kinematic box should be slightly smaller than the character controller. Play with it a bit.

Honestly, I've stopped using character controllers, so I don't have a problem with it any more. They just have so many issues and my own controllers work better.

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Posted: 19th Dec 2006 18:46

How would making the kinematic box smaller be any good at all? With the box being positioned at my player object's position, It would never be able to touch anything, would it?

Also, what alternatives could there be besides the character controller without cuasing myself a big headache? Thanks again.

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Battle Legacy has gone MMORPG! Nah, Im just kidding. But seriously, check the WIP

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