Ok, the MySQL_Init method doesnt return anything so you can drop the () from that line of code. Just call it like:
thats it
A good way to know whats a function vs whats a sub (in my code) and to know when to use parenthesis in dbp is by using the document that came with the plugin. For each command I define in the document, if it ends with "...As
Type" that means its a function, and your call to it needs parenthesis, regardless if there are arguments inside the parens or not.
So using the mysql_init command as an example, look at it in the documentation, it just says MySQL_INIT() <--without any "As" clause after it. This means its a Sub in my code and you wouldn't need parenthesis in your dbp code. Look at some of the other commands now, you'll see plenty of them end with "...() As
Type" The commands are functions in my code and require you use parenthesis when calling them, empty if there are no args listed in the doc, or spply the args within parens if required.
Regarding the keywords, yes if they are turning blue in the code editor (Stock IDE and Blue IDE) then the keywords ini file is placed correctly.
Hopefully what I explained above helps.
Merry xmas to you too