Hi all,
I'm trying to create A Third Party Command DLL that uses Direct3DDevice9->Present to present the DbPro front buffer in multiple windows, but, it doesn't work !
I'd like to know how works the sync command of DBpro. I suppose that this command call first an Direct3DDevice9->EndRender , a Direct3DDevice9->Present, then a Direct3DDevice9->BeginRender. I suppose that is the reason why two sync are needed to have an image in Dbpro window (one sync to start render, a second to present the render). I am right ?
If I'm wrong, where are located internally EndRender and BeginRender ? I need to know that to place a present in the Dbpro loop, I'd like to not recall int my DLL EndRender and BeginRender.
I hope someone knows that !
RPG Engine and Odyssée : http://modsoftware.ifrance.com