Thanks for the comments guys. The world is quite empty right now i agree, the screenies i took are from in the 3dws editor. The world will be populated by static meshes later on ive yet to get the experience using a modeling package like max, im just using 3dws and have been for quite some time. I have lots of plans on what to incorporate in the world. The game can be classifed as an action adventure, leaning towards a sci-fi/ horror theme. Im inspired by doom and resident evil, youll can likely see it in the level design the doom aspects, there will be puzzles to solve kind of like how resident evil does, but in a more sensible matter. The old resident evil games had puzzles that were odd too many times. There will be gameplay in the second half of the game that is cooperative that is with lucy reynolds(co-protagonist).
As of now im working on finishing up level 1 which will be the demo of krizon. It has been very hactic since the lack of people exists, and it seems im in need of another lead programmer now. The characters are not ours at all, they are from darkmatter and are only placeholders till later down the road when we get are own modeled. I do have plan for the moving fans and bringing life to the world, theres just so much going on right now and im short on people. I will post some more pics soon supremacy, thats for the interest.
If anybody does have time on their hands and think they would like to join the team in development of the project please email me thanks alot.
P4 3.2GHZ | 512MB ram | Geforce 5200 256MB | WinXP