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Program Announcements / EPL (Engilsh Programming Language)

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Posted: 28th Apr 2003 17:56 Edited at: 24th May 2003 18:58
Wow, we sure have taken on a huge project this time. Well, as soon as we finish the Matrix: Agent Kennedy we'll start. What it is is EPL, the english programming language. It's a programming language where all the syntax is in PLAIN ENGLISH!!! More on this later.

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Andy Igoe
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Posted: 28th Apr 2003 18:49
I thought that was the point of BASIC, Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. I'm interested to hear what angle you are taking this from, whether it's a DB scripting tool or a new app in C++ with it's own engine ?

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 28th Apr 2003 21:33
wow man, a 4th generation programming language, sounds cool. Go 4 it!

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Posted: 28th Apr 2003 21:55
but i wanna hear more about it NOW

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Posted: 28th Apr 2003 23:48 Edited at: 28th Apr 2003 23:52
Yeah sorry I was so brief before, I was in a hurry. Anyways, here's some more details. What it's doing, is taking BASIC, and making it even more basic. What I want to do is get rid of messy syntaxes and complicated equations. For example, if you want to make a wrench type object, then a wheel and some lug nuts, then have the wrench move to the lugnut in DB, here's what you do:
sync on
load object "wrench.x",1
position object 1,(your x),(y),(z)
for x=2 to 5
load object "lugnut.x",x
position object x,(x),(y),(z)
next x
for move=1 to 1000
position object 1,(object position x(1)+move),(y),(z)
next move

Not to hard, but someone who doesn't know all the syntaxes and equations would be totally lost. Now here's the same program in EPL:

the following is loop1
load a lugnut as lugnut1
show lugnut1 on the screen
repeat loop1 three more times BUT:
change lugnut1 to "lugnut"+the amount of times loop1 has executed

load a wrench as wrench
show wrench on the screen HERE:
left side-centered

move wrench to lugnut1
a lugnut = "C:lugnut.x"
a wrench = "C:Wrench.x"

Sure, it may be an extra line or two, but don't you think it's worth it to be able to program in pure english? It's like giving instructions to a human from a foreign country that just understands a few words of english rather then giving instrunctions to a computer. Here's an analogy: EPL is to programming as a WYSIWYG editor is to HTML. But if you've ever used a WYSIWYG editor, you'll know that it will take just a tad longed then straight out HTML coding.

Let me know what you guys and/or girls think so far. Feel free to input any thoughts you have on how to make the language even easier, or how you think it should be set up etc. etc. Also, if there's anything else you wanna know, I'll try to answer that to!

P.S. This is a full fledged programming language, not a DB scripting tool or C++ app. Altough, the language will be programmed in C++, just like DB was. But it will have NOTHING to do with C++.

P.P.S. The idea came from the Learn C++ in 15 hours book. And the lug nut example kind of came from there to.

P.P.P.S. (Sorry for all the P.S's) This is not a team request or anything like that, but if anyone would like to help, even with BETA testing (MUCH later), feel free to contact me (

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David T
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Posted: 29th Apr 2003 00:20
The main fault I can see is that you will get tired of all the As, BUTs, ANDs, ASs and other pheriphery!

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Posted: 29th Apr 2003 00:24
Good Luck on the parser.

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Posted: 1st May 2003 15:00
i think i prefer basic otherwise id get carried away with the english and wonder why i cant write:

spontaneously combust lugnut1
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Posted: 1st May 2003 15:24
lol, or, for the convenience of some people:
make final fantasy X clone

Nice idea though, will be waiting to see how it works out.

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Posted: 1st May 2003 17:34 Edited at: 1st May 2003 17:35
Ha, that would be pretty funny... What about combust computer1? Anyways, I assembled a team for the project and the already started on it (so I can work on the Matrix still and the Darkness team can work on Darkness). They've actually gotten a lot done, and the compiler is believe it or not close to done (although it's VERY VERY basic). Here's an update:
EPL is going to be based on "command-sets". (That's what enabled the compiler to move so fast). There are 2 main files. The Command-Set uploader and the Editor (the editor has a built in compile option). The command set uploader does just that. Uploads a command set into EPL for you to use for all your projects (when you upload a command set it is in EPL's database forever, or until you remove it via the EPL editor.

So what is a command set? Basically, just like it sounds. This is as basic as it gets remember? It's a set of commands for you to use in EPL. Example program(of say a 3D Command set that has already been uploaded):

change command set to 3D
refresh the screen manually
set the screen size to 640x480
change the background color to black
load a "wrench" and call it wrench1
loop the following 4 times
load a "lugnut" and call it lugnut"number"
increase the variable "number"
go back to the top of the loop
put the wrench on the left side of the screen-half on and half off-centered
refresh the screen
move the wrench towards lugnut1 at the speed of 20 pixels per second
refresh the screen
ask to terminate
wrench "C:wrench.x"
lugnut "C:lugnut.x"
number 0

(Note, variable types such as integer and string and float are handled automatically )
What do you think? Also, don't worry about the super long commands. You can add the line change the command set option abb. to on
to turn on abbreviations More on that later.

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Posted: 1st May 2003 19:53
sorry but why would people want that? its just the same complicated language but expanded eg:
Quote: "go back to the top of the loop"

if your making it simple this isnt good. should be goto line x, like the commodore 64. that was simple. i can also provide alot more criticism/ideas. buit not here, or people will complain im flaming your idea. but still, im not truely sure of what your hoping to achieve so i wont voice my negativity (is that a real word) over the idea. is it going to be compatible with super noobs? or is its just darkbasic for touch typers see what im getting at?
Andy Igoe
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Posted: 1st May 2003 21:45
The syntax looks harder than BASIC because you have to write your English in the manner of another person.

Surely though the point of a 4th Generation Language is to point & click - really you are writting a 3rd Generation Language with the speed of a 4th?

I'm not wishing to be negative as clearly this isn't a product aimed at me, but I think that you should consider the wider aspects that your programming language could affect, I meen what if somebody got addicted? What if lots of people got addicted? They'd all end up talking and sounding just like you, then we'd have an army of mentally cloned people...

Pneumatic Dryll
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Posted: 1st May 2003 22:30
It'll be far too hard to implement properly. It's just another language which will still have to be learnt. As in english, there are many ways to describe doing the same thing. All your doing is changing the commands and the structures.

All the best doing this, but I don't think it would work.

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Posted: 1st May 2003 23:24
Alright, thanks guys! I'll see how we can make this better, even perhaps point and click. Then submit some new info.

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Michael Reitzenstein
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Posted: 9th May 2003 12:44 Edited at: 9th May 2003 12:45
I can just imagine it now, and anybody who has ever played a text adventure can probably relate:

"I don't know how to register variable1 as integer"
"I don't know how to setup variable1 as integer"
"I don't know how to make variable1 an integer"
"I don't know how to put variable1 as an integer"
"I don't know how to variabl1 = an integer"
"I don't know how to screw this, where's my decent language?"

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Posted: 15th May 2003 00:56
lol @ that last post

Its a nice idea tho, something I toyed with a while back.

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Rob K
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Posted: 15th May 2003 01:37

Its a nice idea, but to be honest, I think that the basic version is far more simplistic.

Take this loop:

for iLoop = 0 to 100
print iLoop
next iLoop

With a little bit of thought, everyone can understand it.

The trouble with plain english is that everyone phrases the same idea differently, what might seem logical to you would seem very strange to other people.

A better option would be to structure it as BASICs of old, with goto linenumber and so on.

The easiest programming language I have seen is the LEGO MindStorms programming system, where you effectively make a flowchart of what you want your program to do.

You have a toolbox full of various elements, such as commands, loops etc. and you drag and click them into place. The visual guide is very handy for beginners and easy to keep track of.

For example if someone wants the program to go to a place, they just draw an arrow.

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Posted: 20th May 2003 04:35
Well, the actuall programming language part has been scrapped. It has become a point and click editor. What will set it apart from other editors? Well um we're working on that

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Posted: 20th May 2003 18:33

I've had ideas about a 3D programming environment for ages...where you can edit your games in 3d...just click on an object, change its properties, drag it into position, give it actions to do when specific events occur...
It would be cool if you could make worlds too, place objects anywhere and be able to tell any object what to do at any time if any event occurs or whatever! like you can define your own if...then/do...loop statements etc.
you'd be able to define actions to happen when you get user input, ie. making objects move, changing object properties or whatever, moving camera - everything you can program in DB/DBP but in 3D with absolutely no programming whatsoever, so you can see what everything will be like as you are making much easier!!!

It would be really good if you could do something like this in your games making tool...


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Posted: 24th May 2003 02:35
Well, it's been on the drawing board for a while, and we've decided to make a 3D RPG Maker. It will command the ease of use of RPG Maker 2000 by ASCII Corporation, and the power and speed of DarkBASIC. It's a point and click environment aimed at 3D RPG's, with over 50 commands (it's more then one would think), and the ability to have a user open the box and be able to make cool 3D RPG's almost immediatly. No word on multiplayer yet, but if it doesn't end up on the cutting room floor, it will be pretty cool too! Also included is a fully functional database for defining everything about the game. As soon as The Matrix: Agent Kennedy is done, we will get started on this.

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Posted: 24th May 2003 16:35
I've tried and given up on a 3d rpg maker several times, each time realising an area I was at the time unable to make.

As you have a team, it should prove considerably easier for u.

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Posted: 24th May 2003 18:50
Interesting username

Not @Hmm
Anyways, more information on it is avalible now. Currently the programming team (which actually will include me this time!) has accepted the extra task of multiplayer. However, they could still decide to forget it, but at the moment their are 76 planned commands (including the multiplayer). The graphics will be isometric 3D, but that won't make it harder to use then 2D. The database will include the following options:
Heros, Magic, Items, Jobs, Monsters, Technical, Common Tasks, Other.

As I said, it will be much like RPG Maker 2000. The editor is grid like, but with an overhead view making it extremely easy to edit. There is also an optional MP (media package) full of all the graphics and sounds you will need for your RPG. However, if you wish to make your own, there is a template included in the format for you to do so. Also, there may possibly be some screenshots soon, and possibly even a demo in DBDN. Even though Matrix isn't finished.

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Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 5th Jun 2003 15:47
Possible problem with this much freedom in a game:

So it's sort of like RPG 2003, Klik N play and T3DGM all in one and incredibly easy to use, right? If you pull this one off, and It is as good as it should be, you will be my new god. And I'll pay you to get this thing so I can kiss a sweet goodbye to "Object does not exist" errors forever.

Ahh, life is sweet

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Rob K
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Posted: 5th Jun 2003 18:12
"so I can kiss a sweet goodbye to "Object does not exist" errors forever"

How do you manage to come across so many of those? - I find that creating the object first helps

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Posted: 5th Jun 2003 19:12 Edited at: 5th Jun 2003 19:13

i can't believe it...

i would like to know how do you think to syncronize all the program.. oh it's clear, adding an instruction like "syncronize all at 30 fps, if you think you can."

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Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 5th Jun 2003 22:00
The "object does not exist" was an example. The idea is that it will be easier.

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- Edd Biddulph
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Posted: 9th Jun 2003 17:58
'i would like to know how do you think to syncronize all the program.. oh it's clear, adding an instruction like "syncronize all at 30 fps, if you think you can."'


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Posted: 9th Jun 2003 22:42

whaaaaat? i don't understand, i think people abbreviate stuff to confuse me, its probably the fact that ermes didn't read the whole topic especially the bit
Quote: "Well, the actuall programming language part has been scrapped. It has become a point and click editor. What will set it apart from other editors? Well um we're working on that

so bad bad ermes

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Posted: 10th Jun 2003 02:44
Roll On the floor lauging, Pissed myself laughing.... ROFLPMSL

The abrieviations are getting a bit out of hand these days. Shame the language was scrapped, sounded intresting.... mabey you should start a little lower with mabey making a scripting language for one of you games.


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Teh Missingz0rs
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Posted: 10th Jun 2003 20:34
An editor which is a bit like the event editor of RM2K3 but which can also be typed out would be good... A bit like the way Flash actionscripting is done.

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- Edd Biddulph
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Posted: 15th Jun 2003 17:37
Many times i have thought about this but then you have the problem of People saying sentances differnt ways ie,

Put object 10,10
Put the object at 10,10
Put the object 10,10
Put the object at point 10,10
Put object at 10,10
Put object at place 10,10
Put the object at place 10,10

And it gose on and on

The you get the people who think this will help

Please put the object at place 10,10 Thanks

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Posted: 15th Jun 2003 18:03
if you could allow the user to define the names of the commands it would be cool, for instance when you first run the program it would go through each command saying 'what do you want call the command that loads a sound', the user could then write 'load this sound'. there would be limits as to what you call them but it is possible, it would mean you wouldn't be able to get any help on forums though as everyone would be using a different language

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Posted: 15th Jun 2003 20:44
I thought of an idea that is sort of like this. It would start out with options of what you want, and you could have up to 1000 commands and 150 features or so. They could pick an option, like MP3 playing, and there would be 'bout 5 commands to choose from like:

play mp3
play music,mp3
play mp3 music


or you could do input like:
"Name your MP3 command",mp3command$
if command$ = mp3command$
play mp3 commands (for some reason, i can't play mp3's on my DBC!!!)

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