Yeah sorry I was so brief before, I was in a hurry. Anyways, here's some more details. What it's doing, is taking BASIC, and making it even more basic. What I want to do is get rid of messy syntaxes and complicated equations. For example, if you want to make a wrench type object, then a wheel and some lug nuts, then have the wrench move to the lugnut in DB, here's what you do:
sync on
load object "wrench.x",1
position object 1,(your x),(y),(z)
for x=2 to 5
load object "lugnut.x",x
position object x,(x),(y),(z)
next x
for move=1 to 1000
position object 1,(object position x(1)+move),(y),(z)
next move
Not to hard, but someone who doesn't know all the syntaxes and equations would be totally lost. Now here's the same program in EPL:
the following is loop1
load a lugnut as lugnut1
show lugnut1 on the screen
repeat loop1 three more times BUT:
change lugnut1 to "lugnut"+the amount of times loop1 has executed
load a wrench as wrench
show wrench on the screen HERE:
left side-centered
move wrench to lugnut1
a lugnut = "C:lugnut.x"
a wrench = "C:Wrench.x"
Sure, it may be an extra line or two, but don't you think it's worth it to be able to program in pure english? It's like giving instructions to a human from a foreign country that just understands a few words of english rather then giving instrunctions to a computer. Here's an analogy: EPL is to programming as a WYSIWYG editor is to HTML. But if you've ever used a WYSIWYG editor, you'll know that it will take just a tad longed then straight out HTML coding.
Let me know what you guys and/or girls think so far. Feel free to input any thoughts you have on how to make the language even easier, or how you think it should be set up etc. etc. Also, if there's anything else you wanna know, I'll try to answer that to!
P.S. This is a full fledged programming language, not a DB scripting tool or C++ app. Altough, the language will be programmed in C++, just like DB was. But it will have NOTHING to do with C++.
P.P.S. The idea came from the Learn C++ in 15 hours book. And the lug nut example kind of came from there to.
P.P.P.S. (Sorry for all the P.S's) This is not a team request or anything like that, but if anyone would like to help, even with BETA testing (MUCH later), feel free to contact me (
The only way to prevent all lag in a game is not to make the game.