is there a way to write more than one type of data per line in a Open to write command?This is the start of my level editor. I want it to write out a function and in that function to write for example on line 2 object position 1,opx,opy,opx. Look at code at the second write string
make object cube 1, 50
position object 1,10,5,2
opx=Object position x(1)
opy=Object position y(1)
opz=Object position z(1)
If File Exist(Filename$) Then Delete File Filename$
Open To Write 1,Filename$
write String 1,"function initworld()"
write string 1,"object position 1," : write string 1,str$(opx)
write string 1,str$(opy)
write string 1,str$(opz)
Close File 1
sync on : sync rate 60