Hi all!
Here are some functions to allow easy useage of tree link-lists, for superfast searches.
REM Project: TreeSearch
REM Created: 17/12/2006 13:07:02
`This is the treesearch module
Type TreeSearch
Value as string
Include as boolean
Right as integer
Left as integer
Type TreeSearchProperties
EntryNum as integer
Function Setup_TreeSearch()
`Set up the tree search database array (Link-list)
Global MaxTreeSearches, MaxTreeValues
MaxTreeSearches = 10
MaxTreeValues = 1000
MaxValueValues = 3
Dim TreeSearchBase(MaxTreeSearches, MaxTreeValues) as TreeSearch
Dim TreeSearchProperties(MaxTreeSearches) as TreeSearchProperties
Dim TreeSearchNodeValue(MaxTreeSearches, MaxTreeValues, MaxValueValues) as string
Function AddTreeSearchItem(TreeSearch, Value as string)
`Add 1 to the current entry number of this tree search
Inc TreeSearchProperties(TreeSearch).EntryNum
Value = Lower$(Value)
`If this is the first entery
If TreeSearchProperties(TreeSearch).EntryNum = 1
TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, 1).Value = Value
TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, 1).Include =1
`If this is not the first entry
Node = 1
`If this value is less than the first value
If Value <= TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Value
`Then find the lowest entry
If TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Left <> 0
Node = TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Left
`If it is below the current value, then add it to the index
TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Left = TreeSearchProperties(TreeSearch).EntryNum
TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, TreeSearchProperties(TreeSearch).EntryNum).Value = Value
TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, TreeSearchProperties(TreeSearch).EntryNum).Include =1
ValueFound = 1
`If this value is more than the first value
`Then find the highest entry
If TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Right <> 0
Node = TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Right
`If it is above the current value, then add it to the index
TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Right = TreeSearchProperties(TreeSearch).EntryNum
TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, TreeSearchProperties(TreeSearch).EntryNum).Value = Value
TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, TreeSearchProperties(TreeSearch).EntryNum).Include =1
ValueFound = 1
Until ValueFound = 1
Function AddValueToTreeSearchItem(TreeSearch as integer, Value as string, NewValue as string, NewValueNum)
`Get the value node number
Node = GetValueNode(TreeSearch, Value)
`Record the new value in the nodes value array
TreeSearchNodeValue(TreeSearch, Node, NewValueNum) = Lower$(NewValue)
Function GetValueFromTreeSearchItem(TreeSearch, ItemValue as string, ValueNum as integer)
`Get the item value node
Node = GetValueNode(TreeSearch, ItemValue)
`Get the value
NewValue$ = Lower$(TreeSearchNodeValue(TreeSearch, Node, ValueNum))
EndFunction NewValue$
Function DecludeValueFromTree(TreeSearch, Value as string)
Node = GetValueNode(TreeSearch, Value)
TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Include = 0
EndFunction SearchValue
Function GetValueNode(TreeSearch, Value as string)
`Set node to 1
node = 1
`If the value is the current nodes value
If Lower$(Value) = Lower$(TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Value) and TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Include = 1
Found = 1
SearchValue = Node
`If the current nodes value is 0, then this value does not exist in the database
If Node = 0
Found = 1
SearchValue = 0
`If the value is above the current nodes value
If lower$(Value) =< Lower$(TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Value)
`Go left
Node = TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Left
Else `If the value is above the current nodes value
`Go right
Node = TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Right
Until Found = 1
EndFunction SearchValue
`This function returns the lowest value in the tree dbase
Function GetTreeLowest(TreeSearch)
Node = 1
`If there is nothing lower than the current nodes value
If TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Left = 0
`The lowest avaliable value has been found, now set it to the valid lowest, if it is enabled/included
If TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Include = 1
ValidNode = Node
done = 1
Else `If there is something lower than the current nodes value
`Set the current node to the node of the lower value
If TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Include = 1
Validnode = Node
Node = TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, Node).Left
Until done = 1
Lowestval$ = TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, ValidNode).Value
EndFunction Lowestval$
Function DebugTreeSearch(TreeSearch)
For i = 1 to TreeSearchProperties(TreeSearch).EntryNum
Text 1, i * 20, "Node: " + str$(i) + " Value: " + TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, i).Value+ " Left: " + str$(TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, i).Left) + " Right " + Str$(TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, i).Right) + " Include: " + Str$(TreeSearchBase(TreeSearch, i).Include)
Next i
Any suggestion or comments are more than welcome.
-General Reed
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