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DLL Talk / help with sparkys, please

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Location: DBP Recreation of Castle Csejthe
Posted: 30th Dec 2006 12:37
I am having trouble instancing an object and setting the instanced object to sc_objectcollision. Can someone help? Here is the code:

Thanks for the help

Lost in Thought
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Posted: 30th Dec 2006 19:53
This comes from a bug in DBP (or a limitation). You can't use make mesh from object on instances. I had to make a replacement command for NGC for it to be able to work with instances. I love NGC's open include file system. You can modify it however you wish to make almost anything possible. The only way I can think of to get it to work with sparky's would be:

Or just use clones.

Cash Curtis II
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Posted: 31st Dec 2006 06:15
That's how I do it with instances.

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Cash Curtis II
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Posted: 31st Dec 2006 06:23
Here are my actual functions for it. These are replacement commands for Instance Object...

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Posted: 31st Dec 2006 18:13
Doesn't DBP treat cloned or instanced objects at seperate entities? So would this be just as well as using clone or instance:

It's a shorter piece of code, but if yours is better for performance, then I will go with that.

Thanks for the help!!!

Cash Curtis II
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Posted: 1st Jan 2007 09:23
I don't understand why you would do that. You're loading the same object over and over again, which is very slow. Also, you're not using instances, which is the whole point of this.

Clones objects are real objects, exact copies of the original. Instanced objects are tied to their source object.

LiTs code would work in your game. The code I gave you were functions to use in place of the command "Instance Object" for use with Sparky's DLL. They are the functions that I use currently.

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Posted: 6th Jan 2007 16:19
Thanks Cash Curtis, works great

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