no no no no that's not what I mean. [sigh] maybe I worded this wrong. Okay say you playing as the black colonel. well model pack 5 has white hands. From the player's (that's playing as the black guy) view, how could I have his hands black? And a player that is playing as a white guy have white hands on the same gun?
Here let me explain why I want this. My cousin is a very good modeler. And he modeled a master chief. I then took the texture and made four colors for the master chief. red, blue, green and yellow textures. So I made Foundation from halo 2. 4 players. Playing as the red master chief, you would see, red colored master chief arms. And playing as the blue master chief you would see blue master chief arms. This is from the players perspecive/view whatever you want to call it.
Do you get what I mean now?
Tiggle Bitties