4600 is the model/chip number
8x AGP is faster than 4x AGP which is faster than 2x AGP which is faster than 1x AGP which AGP just stands for Advanced Graphics Port which is capable of faster memory access than the PCI.
the other numbers are the 3DMark score
9584 is pretty good, and is the combined number of your Graphics card and processor - the bigger the mark the better your system is.
ran 3DMark2003 yesterday on my Quadro System, got 26,671 on it hehee
thats just the QuadroFX on its own (^_^) ... added with the CPU score and its enough to make most systems cry.
Puffies might come close once he finally upgrades to dual processors.
Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?