I need some help, my senior project is do tomorrow and there are three things I am having a hard time with. Any help/code would be appreciated.
First off, I an having terrible luck with character controls. I can't seem to get how to do FPS controls. When ever I do it I have a problem were the character floats and walks up walls. The Character controller also falls very slow unless I am pushing a direction key in which case it fall at a good speed. I have been messing around with the example code and cant figure it out can any one tell me or better show me how to fix this.
Next I am having a problem were all objects move very slow, I mean it take like a minute for some beryls to fall from a leg to the floor. Is there a way of getting them to fall faster?
And last I need code for a ray casting system that allows me to cast a ray from a gun and tell me what object I am aiming at, I know Neptune figured it out and if he doesn't mind can you let me see your code?
Thanks for any help I can get, as of now there is 13 hours until my project is do and I need this to finish it.