Hi everyone.
I began yesterday working on a crazy Arkanoid clone.
I say crazy because everything can be subject to change.
In example, I already implemented bricks, paddles and balls, while I miss bonuses, and monsters.
But, paddles can be any dimension you wish, and move as you see fit, while balls can have various radius, bricks can cause dead when hit, be unbreakable as stone, have multiple hit before destroying and also "normal" bricks, wich get destroyed by a single hit.
By the way, I'm still working on it and I really think my collision code sucks.
The game was began developed yesterday (12 gen 2006) with DarkBasic Professional, and I used UDT arrays and various GOSUBs to manage everything.
I would like to have various elements to collide each other but without using all those for cycles I used.
Basicly, what I done is:
for each ball
for each brick
if collision
ball.bounce let's say, but is not as short
end if
next brick
next ball
for each ball
for each paddle
... and so on.
Suggestions are greatly appreciated now.
I consider source sharing for collaborations, but not for consulting.
Enjoy the first screenshot.
Bye, Berserk.