Crytek's from Germany anyways. I'm German too, but I don't speak much...
I can imagine it now:
Judge: AmericanInfantry, you have been sued by Crytek. WHY?"
AI: Here's the game.
Crytek: Holy smokes! That's Far Cry! I'm gonna rip you in half!
Crytek Boss: Das neufer de werten nas kal mas dentalmein!
AI: Whatever.
I dunno, Far Cry was made before MP5 (the model pack, not the gun), right?
I'm kidding. I'll go for MP6. It doesn't need X10, right?
If I get 100 dollars, and I can order 4 model packs, and save $20 for myself, I'd get:
Yeah, that's my preferred list, even though I don't have any MP yet.
Automatic: Biological Warfare
Comin' soon, maybe in Jan./Feb. 2007!