I love your music. The only thing I didn't like was the beginning. I would have added more drums, mostly a stop beat in 6/8 time. It does start to get good at around 0:25.
The very last echo at the end was kind of off. I would have ended that song in a violin, cello, and maybe some soft French horns. They could have also worked at 0:30 till the end.
I love your stings!! It was amazing! This could easily be the end credits music to any game. I do love your atmosphere around 2:15.
The reverb at the beginning doesn't go with the rest of the song. You can always make a much more lasting impression on the listener if you try and add levels to a peice of music. The rhythm at the middle, could be added to by the harp or even the Glockenspiel.
You did good.
Best of Luck,
My first game: "Wars of Crime"-35% completed