yeah well... women for you i suppose - is a wonder why the heck do they always read romance novels?
(and i'm using the term romance loosly as most of the time the plot is some women often married meets a guy and cops off with him)
I think we can safely say that this is probably the first active girl in the forums - either that or a VERY twisted guy with too much spare time
Don't take it that ya know we don't think your a girl... just still a lil skeptical becuase we've had many loosers call themselves girls before and turned out to be a guy - just for some sick joke. Not to start up an argument similar to RGT about this so don't take this as flamefodder -- but i mean because the guys have done that once too often, there are very few girls who use DB that i can honestly say i'm sure of! Which is probably why girls are consider'd a lil myth for coding around here, like a unicorn
Holy jumping mother of god NOOOO!!!...