Dr O: Thankz for checking out the books dude! I'll take a look myself this weekend (not buying it yet - referring to Maniac's post)
Maniac: So far I got the book after i read it halfway from the library. Thankz for the advice though, i'll keep that in mind.
So far i know just java & vb (and yeah, DBP
). Currently going into the C family but i'm in no rush.
Programmings aside, reason why i wanna learn game design is because i wanna know wat else am i missing. I've read here & there, been to this seminars & that lectures (heck, i got a degree in it!), but as u know, the knowledge is always upgrading... and my interest is the game design knowledge.
Its just so big because everybody got lots of ideas for it [ technical & artistic & creativity ], its just never stops because it covers tha entire game production.
Hmm... maybe nobody shares my hobby & this probably bores ppl, its just my personal interest really.
I got money to spare on a good book every month, and who knows maybe this hobby might turn into something useful in a few years time? Bet it should be better than my current job, thats for sure!
Snake? What happened? Snake? Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!! - Colonel Roy Campbell