I've added a KID MODE in practice where you are faster than the AI but no records are kept.
I've also made a few slight graphicsl changes.
Version 2 is almost ready, all I need is music and to change an avatar or two.
However I don't know how long that music creation will take.
There is a chance that I am a miserable composer.
Or I may be unable to figure out how to create MIDI files from my Yamaha keyboard.
So perhaps
Benjamin or some other talented soul has some unused original tunes for me to evaluate for inclusion in the game.
1) I figure I'll need one to start, a minute or two.
2) A snippet between rounds, few to a dozen second fanfare.
3) An end of game song.
Does anyone know of any other five or more simultaneous (non turn based) player games for Windows?
If this is the first, I'd love to make that claim.
Any game experts?
I'm unique, just like everybody else.