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NaGaCreMo / Pirates of a Wayward Star Website WIP [ASP.NET] [2014]

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 31st Dec 2013 09:57 Edited at: 31st Dec 2013 09:58
Hey folks. With the NaGaCreMo just about to get started I'd thought I'd post a WIP thread. I've just got started.

I am in the process of learning ASP.NET. The aim is to create my first portfolio project, for this I'm using my Roleplaying Guild as a guinea pig, my members seem to like the idea. This is our current site. With guild websites people tend to turn to sites like, which are fantastic with decent features, but not all that RP central. So I am going to be building in some roleplay specific features to the website. Hence I feel this project will sort of fall into the 'gaming' category. There will be some web applications in there.

At the moment I am building the website's shell to fit my planned features in.

Below is my progress checklist:

1. Build the Shell. Have a layout ready for all of the pieces to fit together – have a CSS stylesheet ready for design [Work In Progress]
2. Build the SQL Database. Have a database prepared with the necessary datatypes
3. Build a login user interface
4. Build profile options into login user interface – with proposed ‘character sheet’ profiles. Keeping it all modular to be able to add features in the future
5. Add a ‘members’ page to show all of this information.
6. Add permissions to users
7. Design the FC inventory first. Using permissions.
8. Implement inventory system into character pages
9. Build a system whereby the FC inventory database and user inventory databases can talk to each other to make it all tradable.
10. Using permissions, build a news feed. Permitted members will be able to use it.
11. Using a similar system to the news feed, build a FC History and FC Lore section
12. Create a calendar system.
13. Implement a ‘Timetable’ style calendar
14. Implement an ‘Events’ style calendar.
15. Polish the website to make it shinier

Planned features:

• Character Sheet Based Profiles
• Story Arc History/Potential Story map
• Roleplay Calendar – typical online times of members, but not set in stone times
• FC Inventory
• Member Inventory – possible item trade system
• FC Bank with member accounts
• Location Information
• Message Board & News
• Events Calendar
• FC Lore Guide
• Game Lore Guide/Links

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Posted: 31st Dec 2013 15:52
Looking awesome! So when can I join? lol

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 31st Dec 2013 19:23
Cheer! Oh yes, I still need to send an invite, if you sign up to the enjin site maybe one of my members can invite, however, I will be online tonight.

Yodaman Jer
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Posted: 1st Jan 2014 01:04
Sounds ambitious, looks stellar! Looking forward to seeing the finished project.

Check me out on Twitter! Read my blog!
AGK Backer
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Posted: 1st Jan 2014 01:47
Fantastic, quite the slice of cake you picked there Sepp!

Good to see some progress already

Blobby 101
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Posted: 5th Jan 2014 19:17
I can't claim to be an expert on RPing, Guilds or ASP, so I don't really have much to add - but the site looks pretty nice and clean

Good luck anyway! It's good to see someone trying something a bit different for NaGaCreMo this time!

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 5th Feb 2014 17:37 Edited at: 5th Feb 2014 17:39

I didn't get very far for various distractions. I've got an inventory set up on MS SQL and a login setup. Only downside to the login stuff ATM is that I'm having trouble deploying it, but then debugging and deploying are areas I've not covered learning yet, so I literally just threw it only via an FTP, got the MS SQL database for the Inventory to work fine, it's just the login stuff.

Anyhow, this is what I ended up with:

Login page:

Login Restrictions


Adding a new item

Would have done more and jazzed it up a bit, but didn't get a lot of time this time round sadly.

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 18th May 2014 03:01
As you can see, I didn't really get anywhere with this entry and have had things get in the way of my progress, but I am now working on this again and now that I have learned more since I started, I am continuing.

I've now jumped from using ASP.NET webforms to using ASP.NET MVC 4 and I love working with it - it's more fun coding than the alternative.

I've also had a bit of a redesign on the site and using some design features of CSS 3.

A few screenshots:

List of character profiles

When bringing up the 'details' of a character.

Adding a new character to the database - the profile for the character can be written in full HTML, just to give people full freedom when it comes to making their character pages.

Planned Features (updated);

-Character Profiles
-Character Inventories
-Character Stories
-Free Company Inventories (for each stockhouse)
-FC Blog
-Location Lore (with information on IC contacts and lore related to FC in the area too)
-FC Lore
-History of Eorzea - Knowledge Base
-History of Pirates of a Wayward Star - Knowledge Base
-Quest/Job Postings
-Forum/Message Board
-RP Music Player (music to fit the mood of the RP you're playing)
Trade Routes

The content will be user managed - see anybody in our group who is an authorised member will be able to play around with existing content.

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 28th May 2014 17:59
Been trying to get a BBCode Parser set up, rather than stealing one already available on the web, I figure it would be better to figure it out myself.

It seems to work thus far, but need to figure out how to create new lines within the edit box (and detect line breaks) to add to my string instead of relying on the user to have formatting tags for it. But I will have a play later.

For the basic stuff it's remarkably simple.

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 30th May 2014 12:33 Edited at: 30th May 2014 12:49
I've been working on a much player and playing about with a parser. As it's an RP group I figured it'd be good to have music to help with the mood of roleplay. Given it's a Final Fantasy there's a whole plethora of music and it's all on YouTube. Plus, typical FF fans also have a hard on for Nobuo Uematsu and he's pretty much missing from much of the game.

So there's a few drop down listed people can use to play music that loops directly from YouTube:

It also uses a query string, so a person could easily link to the music.

But the query string has another added benefit. There's is a parser available for Final Fantasy XIV, people typically use it for getting an idea of what their DPS is, but one of the things it parses? The chat log, this opens up a new world of possibilities. One thing the chat log does is log zone changes. So potentially a plugin could be written to use my website to that purpose.

It's just extremely useful that this parser was written in Visual C# 2012 and has a plugin template. I've got as a far as grabbing the names of zones and implementing a browser object as I've managed to get my head around his code. But it got pretty late, so I didn't get to finished it (turned out I was coding to 4am :S)

But to give an idea, this is the parser and I've put a welcome message on zone change.

Only issues I've had so far is that I use a website called 'YouTube Repeat' to embed looped videos as YouTube doesn't loop even with the loop variable. But C#'s XAML browser object doesn't like running scripts from the website or even alternative services but is happy with YouTube. But as I say, it got pretty late (if anybody's aware of a work around, it be a big hand)

Seppuku Arts
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Posted: 4th Jul 2014 12:24
Been a while since I've updated this, as usual I don't get a lot of time, but put the first features of the site live. Users can post journals/stories for their characters.

For example, here's one of my entries. Link

You can see a full list of characters too, though only me and one of my members have added their characters so far.

Basic ATM - but you can full take advantage of BBCode as there's a parser in there, but I had issues on the deployment stage, but everything works, so now all I have to worry about is the implementation of features.

Of course, you guys won't be able to post anything, your accounts need to be activated by yours truly. Don't want to let unsavoury people messing about.

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