Camera Entity Edit Tool
A script-tool will facilitate your work on setting up cameras for the entity in real time!
How does it work? Put the script to any entity or character in the MAIN, run the test and you go into edit mode.
The selection cammands. Use the arrow keys, set the exact position of the camera .. You will need to record these values for each team on a piece of paper, and in their scripts with their cameras simply to register. It's very simple! Especially for this was done.
- Editing the coordinates and angle of the camera in real time
- Ability to turn off the setting mode and continue playing at the level of
- The effect of "trigonometric circle" on the teams responsible for the angle resolved. The maximum angle of 360 degrees of a circle (in this case 180 in the positive direction + 180 in the negative) is Your angle will not be 450, 1,000, 10,000 degrees, etc.
- Bug with bits of numbers. In the negative direction of the angle of 180 degrees is recorded as 1180. To make your script the camera turned at an angle of exactly 180 degrees, and you write (setcamrotx = -180, and not setcamrotx = -1180)
- Fly on the level
;Camera Entity Tool - Редактор камеры компонента
;Автор: Кошелев Никита (
;Дата: 20.06.2012
;Требования: необходим патч 1.19 и выше.
;Версия скрипта: 1.0
;Описание: скрипт-инструмент написан специально для того, чтобы облегчить вам работу по настройке координат для камеры компонента.
;Управление (по умолчанию):
; Q,W - двигать камеру по координате Х относительно компонента (setcamoffsetx)
; A,S - двигать камеру по координате Y относительно компонента (setcamoffsety)
; Z,X - двигать камеру по координате Z относительно компонента (setcamoffsetz)
; R - сбросить на ноль координату Х (setcamoffsetx)
; F - сбросить на ноль координату Y (setcamoffsety)
; V - сбросить на ноль координату Z (setcamoffsetz)
; [,] - повернуть камеру по координате X (setcamrotx) [ and ]
; ;,' - повернуть камеру по координате Y (setcamroty) ; and '
; <,> - повернуть камеру по координате Z (setcamrotz) < and >
; \ - сбросить на ноль координату Х (setcamrotx) \
; ENTER - сбросить на ноль координату Y (setcamroty)
; SHIFT - сбросить на ноль координату Х (setcamrotz)
; BACKSPACE - сбросить на ноль все координаты
; 1 - включить\выключить ENTITY CAM EDIT TOOL
; 2 - включить\выключить "camerarotationon" (включаются пользовательски настройки поворота камеры)\(включается камера компонента)
; 3 - включить\выключить следование персонажа по линии WayPoint
:state=0:dimlocalvar=rx,dimlocalvar=ry,dimlocalvar=rz,setvar=rx 0,setvar=ry 0,setvar=rz 0 ; SETOFFSET(x)(y)(z)
:state=0:dimlocalvar=ox,dimlocalvar=oy,dimlocalvar=oz,setvar=ox 0,setvar=0y 0,setvar=oz 0 ; SETCAMROT(x)(y)(z)
:state=0:dimlocalvar=wp,setvar=wp 0,dimlocalvar=wpstate,setvar=wpstate 0 ; WAYPOINT state
:state=0:dimlocalvar=cam,setvar=cam 0,dimlocalvar=camstate,setvar=camstate 0 ; CAMERAROTATIONON state
:state=0:dimlocalvar=camedit,setvar=camedit 0,dimlocalvar=cameditstate,setvar=cameditstate 0 ; ENTITYCAM state
;||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| CAMERA ENTITY EDIT TOOL ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
;= "1" - вкл\выкл настройку камеры
:varequal=cameditstate 0,varequal=camedit 0,keypressed=2 1:setvar=camedit 1,setvar=cameditstate 1
:varequal=cameditstate 1,keypressed=2 0:setvar=cameditstate 2
:varequal=cameditstate 2,varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=2 1:setvar=camedit 0,setvar=cameditstate 3
:varequal=cameditstate 3,keypressed=2 0:setvar=cameditstate 0
;= "2" - выкл\вкл камеру вращения компонента (если включено, камера вращается вместе с компонентом)=
:varequal=camedit 1,varequal=camstate 0,varequal=cam 0,keypressed=3 1:setvar=cam 1,setvar=camstate 1
:varequal=camstate 1,keypressed=3 0:setvar=camstate 2
:varequal=camedit 1,varequal=camstate 2,varequal=cam 1,keypressed=3 1:setvar=cam 0,setvar=camstate 3
:varequal=camstate 3,keypressed=3 0:setvar=camstate 0
;= "3" - начать\прекратить следовать по вейпоинту=
:varequal=wpstate 0,varequal=wp 0,keypressed=4 1:setvar=wp 1,setvar=wpstate 1
:varequal=wpstate 1,keypressed=4 0:setvar=wpstate 2
:varequal=wpstate 2,varequal=wp 1,keypressed=4 1:setvar=wp 0,setvar=wpstate 3
:varequal=wpstate 3,keypressed=4 0:setvar=wpstate 0
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=30,hudy=88,hudtext=SETCAMOFFSETX =,hudname=textox,hudhide=1,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=35.5,hudy=86,hudsizex=15,hudsizey=15,hudtext= - ,hudname=ox,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=30,hudy=91,hudtext=SETCAMOFFSETY =,hudname=textoy,hudhide=1,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=35.5,hudy=89,hudsizex=15,hudsizey=15,hudtext= - ,hudname=oy,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=30,hudy=94,hudtext=SETCAMOFFSETZ =,hudname=textoz,hudhide=1,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=35.5,hudy=92,hudsizex=15,hudsizey=15,hudtext= - ,hudname=oz,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=51,hudy=88,hudtext=SETCAMROTX =,hudname=textrx,hudhide=1,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=56.5,hudy=86,hudsizex=15,hudsizey=15,hudtext= - ,hudname=rx,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=51,hudy=91,hudtext=SETCAMROTY =,hudname=textry,hudhide=1,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=56.5,hudy=89,hudsizex=15,hudsizey=15,hudtext= - ,hudname=ry,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=51,hudy=94,hudtext=SETCAMROTZ =,hudname=textrz,hudhide=1,hudmake=display
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=56.5,hudy=92,hudsizex=15,hudsizey=15,hudtext= - ,hudname=rz,hudmake=display
;= [1] - Entity cam=
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=72.3,hudy=88,hudtext=[1] Edit Mode ,hudname=edit,hudmake=display
:varequal=camedit 0:hudshow=1off,hudunshow=1on
:varequal=camedit 1:hudshow=1on,hudunshow=1off
;= [2] - Entity rotation cam=
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=73,hudy=91,hudtext=[2] CamRotation ,hudname=camrot,hudmake=display
:varequal=cam 0:hudshow=2off,hudunshow=2on
:varequal=cam 1:hudshow=2on,hudunshow=2off
;= [3] - WayPoint=
:state=1:hudreset,hudx=73.7,hudy=94,hudtext=[3] Follow WayPoint ,hudname=followwp,hudmake=display
:varequal=wp 0:hudshow=3off,hudunshow=3on
:varequal=wp 1:hudshow=3on,hudunshow=3off
;=Минус, когда значение меньше нуля=
:varequal=camedit 1,varless=ox 0,:hudshow=ox
:vargreater=ox 0:hudunshow=ox
:varequal=camedit 1,varless=oy 0:hudshow=oy
:vargreater=oy 0:hudunshow=oy
:varequal=camedit 1,varless=oz 0:hudshow=oz
:vargreater=oz 0:hudunshow=oz
:varequal=camedit 1,varless=rx 0:hudshow=rx
:vargreater=rx 0:hudunshow=rx
:varequal=camedit 1,varless=ry 0:hudshow=ry
:vargreater=ry 0:hudunshow=ry
:varequal=camedit 1,varless=rz 0:hudshow=rz
:vargreater=rz 0:hudunshow=rz
;=Сброс всех координат на ноль=
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=14 1:setvar=ox 0,setvar=oy 0,setvar=oz 0,setvar=rx 0,setvar=ry 0,setvar=rz 0
;=Перемещение камеры=
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=17 1:addvar=ox 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=16 1:subvar=ox 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=19 1:setvar=ox 0
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=31 1:addvar=oy 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=30 1:subvar=oy 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=33 1:setvar=oy 0
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=45 1:addvar=oz 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=44 1:subvar=oz 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=47 1:setvar=oz 0
;=Вращение камеры=
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=27 1:addvar=rx 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=26 1:subvar=rx 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=43 1:setvar=rx 0
:vargreater=rx 180:setvar=rx -179
:varless=rx -180:setvar=rx 180
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=40 1:addvar=ry 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=39 1:subvar=ry 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=28 1:setvar=ry 0
:vargreater=ry 180:setvar=ry -179
:varless=ry -180:setvar=ry 180
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=52 1:addvar=rz 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=51 1:subvar=rz 0.25
:varequal=camedit 1,keypressed=54 1:setvar=rz 0
:vargreater=rz 180:setvar=rz -179
:varless=rz -180:setvar=rz 180
;||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ENTITY SRIPT |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
:varequal=camedit 1:entitycam,plrdisable=1000,plrfreeze=1000,hudshow=textox,hudshow=textoy,hudshow=textoz,hudshow=textrx,hudshow=textry,hudshow=textrz,hudshow=oxcount,hudshow=oycount,,hudshow=ozcount,hudshow=rxcount,hudshow=rycount,hudshow=rzcount
:varequal=camedit 0:plrcam,plrdisable=0,plrfreeze=0,hudunshow=textox,hudunshow=textoy,hudunshow=textoz,hudunshow=textrx,hudunshow=textry,hudunshow=textrz,hudunshow=oxcount,hudunshow=oycount,,hudunshow=ozcount,hudunshow=rxcount,hudunshow=rycount,hudunshow=rzcount,hudunshow=ox,hudunshow=oy,hudunshow=oz,hudunshow=rx,hudunshow=ry,hudunshow=rz
;=Вращение камеры выкл\вкл=
:state=1,waypointstate=0,varnotequal=wp 0:animate=2,waypointstart
:state=1,waypointstate=3,varnotequal=wp 0:animate=2,waypointnext
:state=1,waypointstate=4,varnotequal=wp 0:animate=2,waypointrandom
:state=1,waypointstate=5,varnotequal=wp 0:animate=2,waypointreverse
;End of Script
Control in the description, but in Russian.
So here the:
; Control (default):
; Q, W - move the camera relative to the X coordinate component (setcamoffsetx)
; A, S - move the camera relative to the Y component (setcamoffsety)
; Z, X - move the camera on the Z-axis relative to the component (setcamoffsetz)
; R - reset to zero at the x coordinate (setcamoffsetx)
; F - reset to zero coordinate Y (setcamoffsety)
; V - reset to zero at the coordinate Z (setcamoffsetz)
, [,] - Turn the camera on the coordinate X (setcamrotx) [ and ]
,,, '- Rotate the camera along the coordinate Y (setcamroty ); and '
; <,> - Rotate the camera along the coordinate Z (setcamrotz) < and >
, \ - Reset to zero at the x coordinate (setcamrotx) \
; ENTER - reset to zero coordinate Y (setcamroty)
; SHIFT - reset to zero at the x coordinate (setcamrotz)
; BACKSPACE - reset to zero all the coordinates
, 1 - enable \ disable ENTITY CAM EDIT TOOL
2 - enable \ disable "camerarotationon" (includes user settings turn the camera) \ (includes camera component)
3 - enable \ disable the following character on the line WayPoint
Source tread: