Hi all!
So Meteor Strike is finally worthy of a full release. It's a game that I've been working on for quite some time now, and right now I'm really pleased with how it is. The game is a arcady shoot 'em up game with quite a simple concept. All you have to do is drive a tank around on a planet and shoot down incoming meteors before they hit the planet.
To help you survive a longer time, you can purchase upgrades to your tank along the way. You purchase the upgrades by money that you earn from shooting down meteors. Each meteors reward you a certain amount of money, but it's not a static amount. As the difficulty increases, you'll get more money from each meteor. There's two types of upgrades for your tank, upgrades for your cannon, and upgrades for your tanks speed. There is 5 ranks for the cannon upgrade, each rank have a new cannon model for you
And there's 4 ranks for the speed upgrade. And just to clarify already, yes, it IS possible to get a fully upgraded tank
And here's a screenshot of me with it as a prove:
I think you'll soon realise that it's important to balance the cannon speed upgrade and the speed upgrade
The graphic is a little blurry because I tested out the release version, which at the current time had a 1024x768 resolution.
Here's some more screenshots:
The highscore:
The logo render (thanks to tha_rami for this!
A small close up render I did:
The menu:
Some more gameplay:
You will find the controls in the readme file, although I would like to make a quick adjustment that isn't in there:
To purchase a new rank of the cannon upgrade, press 1
To purchase a new rank of the speed upgrade, press 2
Oh, and to enter the menu press escapekey. It's from here that you'll able to see highscores etc.
Just a quick notice about the highscore. Each meteorkill rewards you 10 points. Your highscore will be entered into the highscore database when the game is over (when the planet has no more health)
I would like to thank the following people:
Scraggle: For the awesome font.
Aura: For the nice music.
Tha_rami: For the awesome planet art and buttons for the menu, aswell as the logo.
Important notice for the game setting lua script
In the root folder there's also a settings lua script. From there you can change the screen resolution and enable physX (this will get you floating debris when you destroy meteors). The following screen resolutions are the supported ones so far:
As standard, physX is off, meaning that if you don't have the physX driver, you won't need it anyway
I hope you guys will enjoy it
Any comments and suggestions for improvements is more than welcome. Here's the download:
The Nerd