yeah, shame about the lack of entries.
It would still be good to continue the challenges and eventually add them all together into a progressive challenge course for noobs locked at the top of the forum.
anyway, here's my entry source.
Rem Project: newcomer challenge 2
Rem Created: Monday, June 20, 2011
Rem ***** Main Source File *****
sync on: sync rate 60:randomize timer()
set display mode 1024,768,32
set window on :disable escapekey
set display mode screen width(),screen height(),screen depth()
load sound "media\wave.wav",1
// declare variables
global dim left(5)
global dim top(5)
global dim right(5)
global dim bottom(5)
global dim textx(5)
global dim texty(5)
global dim text$(5)
global dim r_g_b(5,12)
global dim visible(5)
global x#
global y#
global top
global bottom
global button
global t1
global t2
global text$
global time
top = 40
bottom = 80
//set all button visible variables to 1
//randomize button colors
for a = 1 to 5
for b = 1 to 12
r_g_b(a,b) = rnd(255)
next b
next a
//setup button lables
for a = 1 to 5
text$(a) = "option " + str$(a)
next a
//initial drawing of boxes and gathering data for collision purposes
x# = right(5)
y# = bottom(5)
// create background image
create bitmap 1,screen width(),screen height()
get image 1,0,0,screen width(),screen height()
delete bitmap 1
set current bitmap 0
//main loop
paste image 1,0,0
if button = 5 then surprise()
function box_dimentions()
for a = 1 to 5
left(a) = screen width()/2-80
right(a) = screen width()/2+80
top(a) = top
bottom(a) = bottom
top = top + 60
bottom = bottom + 60
next a
top = 40
bottom = 80
function draw_boxes()
for a = 1 to 5
if visible(a) = 1
box left(a),top(a),right(a),bottom(a),rgb(r_g_b(a,1),r_g_b(a,2),r_g_b(a,3)),rgb(r_g_b(a,4),r_g_b(a,5),r_g_b(a,6)),rgb(r_g_b(a,7),r_g_b(a,8),r_g_b(a,9)),rgb(r_g_b(a,10),r_g_b(a,11),r_g_b(a,12))
next a
function drawtext()
for a = 1 to 5
if visible(a) = 1
textx(a) = left(a)+((right(a) - left(a))/2)
texty(a) = top(a)+((bottom(a) - top(a))/2)
next a
for a = 1 to 5
if visible(a) = 1
center text textx(a),texty(a),text$(a)
next a
function keypress()
for a = 2 to 6
if KEYSTATE(a) = 1
button = a-1
if visible(a-1) = 1 and down = 0 then play sound 1
down = 1
if keystate(a) = 0 then down = 0
next a
if mouseclick() = 1
for a = 1 to 4
if visible(a) = 1
if mousex() > left(a) and mousex() < right(a) and mousey() > top(a) and mousey() < bottom(a)
button = a
if visible(a) = 1 then play sound 1
next a
if mousex() > left(5) and mousex() < right(5) and mousey() > top(5) and mousey() < bottom(5)
rem button = 5
if mousex() > left(5) and mousex() < right(5) and mousey() > top(5) and mousey() < bottom(5)
x# = rnd(screen width())
y# = rnd(screen height())
until (x# < left(4) + 200 or x# > right(4) + 200) and y# > bottom(4) + 100
until x# > 200 and x# < screen width()-200 and y# > 200 and y# < screen height()-200
if top(5) < bottom(4) and x# > right(4) and y# < bottom(4)
bottom(5) = bottom(5) + buttonspeed
top(5) = top(5) + buttonspeed
until top(5) > bottom(4)
left(5) = left(5) + buttonspeed
right(5) = right(5) + buttonspeed
until left(5) > right(4)
if top(5) < bottom(4) and x# < left(4) and y# < bottom(4)
bottom(5) = bottom(5) + buttonspeed
top(5) = top(5) + buttonspeed
until top(5) > bottom(4)
left(5) = left(5) - buttonspeed
right(5) = right(5) - buttonspeed
until right(5) < left(4)
button$ = "button pressed was "+str$(button)
if button = 4 and mouseclick() = 0 and keystate(5) = 0 then reset()
if button = 5 then surprise()
visible(button) = 0
color backdrop rgb(0,0,0)
text 0,texty(button),button$
function reset()
for a = 1 to 5
visible(a) = 1
next a
x# = right(5)
y# = bottom(5)
button = 0
function surprise()
x# = 512,
y# = 384
for a = 1 to 4
visible(a) = 0
next a
visible(5) = 1
move = left(5)
move2 = left(5)
paste image 1,0,0
until move = move2
paste image 1,0,0
t1 = timer()/1000
if t1 >t2 then time = time + 1
t2 = timer()/1000
if time < 5 then text$ = "Excuse me!!!"
if time > 4 and time < 8 then text$ = "I want to have a word with you!!!"
if time > 7 and time < 11 then text$ = "Don't you think it's a little bit cheeky..."
if time > 10 and time < 14 then text$ = "...using the keyboard to select me?"
if time > 13 and time < 17 then text$ = "Does it bother you that you can't catch me?"
if time > 16 and time < 20 then text$ = "whats the big idea anyway?"
if time > 19 and time < 23 then text$ = "hey! there's a box on the screen!"
if time > 22 and time < 26 then text$ = "I'm gonna click on it!!!"
if time > 25 and time < 30 then text$ = "That mouse cursor is pointy!!!"
if time > 29 and time < 34 then text$ = "You are a mean and demented person!"
if time > 33 and time < 36 then text$ = "...and i'm taking away your mouse cursor!"
if time > 35 and time < 37 then hide mouse
if time > 36 and time < 40 then text$ = "how you like those apples!!!"
if time > 39 and time < 45 then text$ = "Now go away! the game is over!"
if time > 44 and time < 61 then text$ = ""
if time > 60 and time < 65 then text$ = "I'm in no mood to entertain you..."
if time > 64 and time < 70 then text$ = ""
if time > 75 and time < 80 then text$ = "If I give you back your mouse cursor will you go away?!!!"
if time > 79 and time < 85 then text$ = "..."
if time > 85 and time < 90 then show mouse
if time > 89 and time < 95 then text$ = "now use it and get lost!"
if time > 94 and time < 99 then text$ = "here let me help you..."
if time > 99 then end
center text left(5)+((right(5) - left(5))/2), top(5) - 20,text$
function buttonmove()
buttonspeed = 70
if x# > right(5)
left(5) = left(5) + buttonspeed
right(5) = right(5) + buttonspeed
if x# < right(5)
left(5) = left(5) - buttonspeed
right(5) = right(5) - buttonspeed
if y# > bottom(5)
bottom(5) = bottom(5) + buttonspeed
top(5) = top(5) + buttonspeed
if y# < bottom(5)
bottom(5) = bottom(5) - buttonspeed
top(5) = top(5) - buttonspeed
I know a lot of the functions really should have been done with subroutines, but I was just getting into playing with functions and wanted to use them.
edit: oh yeah, no subroutines allowed, that's why no subroutines. lol, its been so long since I made it, I looked at it again and wondered why I didn't sub it as there was no return data. /edit
I'd also like to say that the skills i've learned taking on these challenges have found their way into my other projects.
very handy stuff.
thanks again man
Sometimes I like to use words out of contents