Welcome to the beta testing thread for the next release of EAP. There have been so many changes plus improvments that I've lost track during the development of it. If you'd like to get an idea of what the old version supported as far as audio formats go then
check out this link.
Here's the current list of things added to this release:
- The MP3 decoder has been changed so there is more support for different types of MP3s, and also MP3s will be seekable.
- Speex support added.
- CD audio support added.
- MIDI support added.
The reading of metatags in Vorbis and MP3s are still pending.
Here's the current list of commands for v1.55:
LOAD AUDIO audio index number, filename
DELETE AUDIO audio index number
PLAY AUDIO audio index number
STOP AUDIO audio index number
PAUSE AUDIO audio index number
RESUME AUDIO audio index number
LOOP AUDIO audio index number
AUDIO VOLUME audio index number, volume (integer ranging from 0 to 100)
*NOTE: volume 0.0 = silence, 1.0 = maximum volume (default)
AUDIO PAN audio index number, pan (float)
*NOTE: pan -1.0 = left, 0.0 = center (default), 1.0 = right
AUDIO PITCH SHIFT audio index number, pitch shift (float)
*NOTE: pitch shift range 0.5 to 2.0
GET AUDIO VOLUME audio index number (returns float)
GET AUDIO PAN audio index number (returns float)
GET AUDIO PITCH SHIFT audio index number (returns float)
AUDIO PLAYING audio index number (returns true or false)
AUDIO SEEKABLE audio index number (returns true or false)
AUDIO LENGTH audio index number (returns number of frames in the streaming sound or returns 0 for not seekable)
AUDIO POSITION audio index number (returns current position in frames)
AUDIO SET POSITION audio index number, position
AUDIO USE DEVICE device (1 = winmm, 2 = DirectSound)
AUDIO EXIST audio index number (returns true or false)
AUDIO WHITE NOISE audio index number
AUDIO PINK NOISE audio index number
AUDIO GET RATE audio index number (returns the integer rate)
AUDIO GET CHANNEL COUNT audio index number (returns audio channel count)
AUDIO GET OUTPUT BUFFER PTR audio index number (returns dword pointer to the audio stream data buffer)
AUDIO GET OUTPUT BUFFER SIZE audio index number (returns an integer of the audio stream data buffer size)
MIDI Commands
LOAD MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number, filename
PLAY MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
STOP MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
PAUSE MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
RESUME MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
LOOP MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
AUDIO MIDI EXIST midi audio index number (returns true or false)
DELETE MIDI AUDIO midi audio index number
CD-Audio Commands
AUDIO CD TRACK COUNT (returns total number of tracks on cd)
AUDIO CD PRESENT (returns true or false)
AUDIO CD PLAY cd track number (return -1 if error)
Hopefully I got them all!
The trigger zone commands have been removed in this release. In the near future I'll be submitting my application to try and get approved by Creative so that I can use their SDK for EAX. Remember that this is still in beta process and more commands are planned to be added in the coming weeks.
Attached is the current compile as of Monday July 24th, 2006 @ 6am EST. Since this is a beta test there is no fancy installer or keyword file. Place the DLL in your
plugins-user directory. Also, make sure to uninstall the old version before testing this one, otherwise you'll have command conflicts.