Ive done a little bit more work, here is the update to the current INI. And there are some commands that cant be done with dbp in there, hopefully that will ease a tiny bit of the criticism, probably not all, lol.
INITADDITIONS=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Initialises the additions pack
MAKECUBE=main.htm=(size#) ;Returns object id - Dynamically create a cube
MAKECONE=main.htm=(size#) ;Returns object id - Dynamically create a cone
MAKECYLINDER=main.htm=(size#) ;Returns object id - Dynamically create a cylinder
MAKESPHERE=main.htm=(size#) ;Returns object id - Dynamically create a sphere
MAKEPLAIN=main.htm=(width#, height#) ;Returns object id - Dynamically create a plain
LOADOBJECT=main.htm=(filename$) ;Returns object id - Dynamically load an object
DELETEALLOBJECTS=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Delete all the objects currently existing
MAKEMATRIX=main.htm=(width#,height#,xtiles,ztiles) ;Returns matrix id - Dynamically create a matrix
SAVEMATRIX=main.htm=filename$, matrixId - Save a matrix to a file, for later loading
XPOSITIONOBJECT=main.htm=objectId, xpos# - Position an object, across the X axis only
YPOSITIONOBJECT=main.htm=objectId, ypos# - Position an object, across the Y axis only
ZPOSITIONOBJECT=main.htm=objectId, zpos# - Position an object, across the Z axis only
FORCECULL=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Force the culling system to take effect
UPDATECULLSYSTEM=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Updates the culling system
UPDATECULLOBJECTS=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Make a record of all the objects, and certain states, to better help the culling system cull them
MAKEOBJECT=main.htm=(meshId, imageId) ;Returns object id - Dynamically make an object from a mesh and image
LOADMESH=main.htm=(filename$) ;Returns mesh id - Dynamically load a mesh
LOADIMAGE=main.htm=(filename$[,textureFlag]) ;Returns image id - Dynamically loads an image
MAKEMESHFROMOBJECT=main.htm=(objectId) ;Returns mesh id - Dynamically creates a mesh from an object
CONTROLOBJECTUSINGARROWKEYS=main.htm=objectId, speed#, turn# - Control an object using the arrowkeys
CONTROLOBJECTUSINGWASD=main.htm=objectId, speed#, turn# [, strafe] - Control an object using the arrowkeys, optionally specifying if the object should strafe
SETOBJECTAUTOCULL=main.htm=objectId, cullState - Sets an objects auto culling state for the DAP culling system
CULLOBJECT=main.htm=objectId - Control the culling of a single object, despite any other setting in the automatic culling system
CULLGROUP=main.htm=startObjectId, rangeOfObjects - Control culling of a specified range of objects, starting at the startObjectId, going to the sum of startObjectId and rangeOfObjects
CONVERTMATRIXTOOBJECT=main.htm=(matrixId) ;Returns object id - Convert a matrix into an object
CONTROLCAMERAUSINGWASD=main.htm=[cameraId, ] speed#, turn# [, strafe] - Control a camera using the arrowkeys, optionally allowing for strafing
MAKECAMERA=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns camera id - Dynamically create a camera, automatically coloring the backdrop to the default 3d blue
MAKEMEMBLOCK=main.htm=(Size) ;Returns memblock id - Dynamically create a memblock, specifying the size
GETDWORDSIZE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a DWORD
GETFLOATSIZE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a float
GETINTEGERSIZE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of an integer
FPSCAMERA=main.htm=[*No Parameters*]/[cameraId] - Control a camera like a first person shooter camera
TURNOBJECTINTOITEM=main.htm=objectId - Turn an object into an item
TURNITEMINTOOBJECT=main.htm=objectId - Turn an item back into a normal object
OBJECTISITEM=main.htm=(objectId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not an object is set as an item
CONTROLITEMOBJECT=main.htm=objectId - Control a single object, if it is set as an item
UPDATEITEMS=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Control all item objects in one call
CENTERMOUSE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Centers the mouse into the middle of the main dbp window
XPOSITIONCAMERA=main.htm=[cameraId, ] pos# - Position the camera on the X axis
YPOSITIONCAMERA=main.htm=[cameraId, ] pos# - Position the camera on the Y axis
ZPOSITIONCAMERA=main.htm=[cameraId, ] pos# - Position the camera on the Z axis
DISTANCE=main.htm=(x1#, x2#, y1#, y2#, z1#, z2#) ;Returns float - Retrieve the distance between 2 3d points
QCPRESENTATIONINTERVALS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXTEXTUREWIDTH=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXTEXTUREHEIGHT=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVOLUMEEXTENT=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXTEXTUREREPEAT=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXTEXTUREASPECTRATIO=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXANISOTROPY=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVERTEXW=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXTEXTUREBLENDSTAGES=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXSIMULTANEOUSTEXTURES=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXACTIVELIGHTS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXUSERCLIPPLANES=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVERTEXBLENDMATRICES=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVERTEXBLENDMATRIXINDEX=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXPOINTSIZE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXPRIMITIVECOUNT=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCVERTEXINDEX=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXSTREAMS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXSTREAMSTRIDE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCVERTEXSHADERVERSION=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVERTESSHADERCONST=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCPIXELSHADERVERSION=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCPIXELSHADER1XMAXVALUE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXNPATCHTESSELLATIONLEVEL=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMINANTIALIASEDLINEWIDTH=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXANTIALIASEDLINEWIDTH=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVSHADERINSTRUCTIONSEXECUTED=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXPSHADERINSTRUCTIONSEXECUTED=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXVERTEXSHADER30INSTRUCTIONSLOTS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QCMAXPIXELSHADER30INSTRUCTIONSLOTS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Flag to queryCapability
QUERYCAPABILITY=main.htm=(capabilityId) ;Returns dword, or float - Query a capability of the 3d hardware, capability flags are denoted with "qc"
D3DCREATEVERTEXBUFFER=main.htm=(size) ;Returns vertex buffer id - Create a vertex buffer
D3DDESTROYVERTEXBUFFER=main.htm=vertexBufferId - Destroy a vertex buffer
D3DVERTEXBUFFEREXIST=main.htm=(vertexBufferId) ;Returns integer - Checks if a vertex buffer exists
D3DVERTEXBUFFERSIZE=main.htm=(vertexBufferId) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size of a vertex buffer (in bytes)
D3DINITUPDATEBUFFER=main.htm=vertexBufferId - Initiate the update buffer
D3DSETUPDATEBUFFER=main.htm=index, x, y, z, diffuse - Set the properties of a vertex in the update buffer
D3DGETUPDATEBUFFERX=main.htm=(index) ;Returns float - Retrieve the X value from a vertex in the update buffer
D3DGETUPDATEBUFFERY=main.htm=(index) ;Returns float - Retrieve the Y value from a vertex in the update buffer
D3DGETUPDATEBUFFERZ=main.htm=(index) ;Returns float - Retrieve the Z value from a vertex in the update buffer
D3DGETUPDATEBUFFERDIFFUSE=main.htm=(index) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the DIFFUSE value from a vertex in the update buffer
D3DSENDUPDATEBUFFERTOVERTEXBUFFER=main.htm=vertexBufferId - Copy the contents of the update buffer into the vertex buffer
D3DDEINITUPDATEBUFFER=main.htm=*No Parameters* - De initialise the update buffer clearing all of its contents
D3DSETSTREAMSOURCE=main.htm=vertexBufferId - Prepare a specific vertex buffer for rendering
D3DDRAWPRIMITIVE=main.htm=typeOfPrimitive, startIndex, endIndex - Draw a specific set of vertices from the prepared vertex buffer
D3DGETDEFAULTFVF=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns DWORD - Retrieve the default FVF, best used for d3dSetVertexShader
D3DSETFVF=main.htm=fvfType - Set the current FVF to use for rendering
D3DCLEAR=main.htm=Color - Clear the Direct3D Back buffer contents
D3DBEGINSCENE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Begin the rendering of the Direct3D Scene
D3DENDSCENE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - End the rendering of the Direct3D Scene
D3DPRESENTSCENE=main.htm=[WindowHandle] - Present the scene to the main dbp window, or, optionally, present the scene to a differant window
GETMAINHWND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns a window handle - Retrieve the handle (HWND) to the main darkbasic professional window
D3DENABLEANTIALIASING=main.htm=Windowed, Samples, SyncRate - Enable antialiasing
D3DDISABLEANTIALIASING=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Disable antialiasing
D3DENABLEHARDWAREVERTEXPROCESSING=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Allow the GPU to take care of vertex processing, instead of the CPU
D3DDISABLEHARDWAREVERTEXPROCESSING=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Allow the CPU to take care of vertex processing, instead of the GPU
OPENCONSOLE=main.htm=message$, title$ - Open up the in-window console
CLOSECONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Close the in-window console
CONSOLEOPEN=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not the console is open
GETCONSOLECOMMAND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns string - Retrieve the command entered in the console
GETCONSOLEBUFFER=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns string - Retrieve the current command buffer, despite rather its ready to be given or not
SETCONSOLETITLE=main.htm=title$ - Set the title for the console
GETCONSOLETITLE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns string - Retrieve the title for the console
CONSOLEINPUTGIVEN=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not the console is ready to have its command given
CONSOLEINFOCUS=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not the console is in text giving focus
UPDATECONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Update the console, required for it to work correctly
WRITEPIXELTOIMAGE=main.htm=ImageId, X, Y, Color - Write a pixel to an image
WRITEPIXELTOMEMBLOCK=main.htm=MemblockId, X, Y, Color - Write a pixel to a memblock
READPIXELFROMMEMBLOCK=main.htm=MemblockId, X, Y ;Returns Color Dword - Retrieve a pixel color from a memblock
READPIXELFROMIMAGE=main.htm=ImageId, X, Y ;Returns Color Dword - Retrieve a pixel color from an image
WRITEBOXTOIMAGE=main.htm=ImageId, X, Y, X2, Y2, Color - Write a colored box to an image
WRITEBOXTOMEMBLOCK=main.htm=MemblockId, X, Y, X2, Y2, Color - Write a colored box to a memblock
WRITEIMAGETOIMAGE=main.htm=ImageFinal, ImageSource, X, Y - Write an image to another image
WRITEIMAGETOMEMBLOCK=main.htm=MemblockId, ImageId, X, Y - Write an image into a memblock
WRITETRANSIMAGETOMEMBLOCK=main.htm=ImageId, MemblockId, X, Y, TransparentColor - Write a transparent image to a memblock
WRITETRANSIMAGETOIMAGE=main.htm=ImageFinal, ImageSource, X, Y, TransparentColor - Write a transparent image to an image
CREATEIMAGE=main.htm=[ImageId, ] Width, Height, Color [;Returns ImageId] - Create an image, either specifying an image ID, or retrieving it
ASSIGNSTRING=main.htm=(stringA$, stringB$, charPos, length) ;Returns string - Assign a string values from another string, from charPos to charPos+length
COMPARESTRINGS=main.htm=(stringA$, stringB$) ;Returns integer - Compare between strings, 0 will be returned if both strings are exactly the same
ERASESTRING=main.htm=(string$, charPos, length) ;Returns string - Erase the contents of a string between charPos and charPos+length
INSERTSTRING=main.htm=(stringA$, stringB$, charPos) ;Returns string - Inserts a string into another string at charPos
REPLACESTRING=main.htm=(stringA$, stringB$, charPos, length) ;Returns string - The same as AssignString
SUBSTRING=main.htm=(string$, charPos, length) ;Returns string - Retrieve a piece of a string
MAKEINTEGER=main.htm=(byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4) ;Returns integer - Create an integer from 4 bytes
MAKEFLOAT=main.htm=(byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4) ;Returns float - Create a float from 4 bytes
MAKEWORD=main.htm=(byte1, byte2) ;Returns WORD - Create a WORD from 2 bytes
MAKEDWORD=main.htm=(byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4) ;Returns DWORD - Create a DWORD from 4 bytes
SETOBJECTNAME=main.htm=objectId, name$ - Set an object's name
GETOBJECTNAME=main.htm=(objectId) ;Returns string - Get the name of an object
LOADCHUNKOBJECT=main.htm=(objectId, filename$) ;Returns integer - Load a .chunk object
GETIMAGEWIDTH=main.htm=(imageId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the width of an image
GETIMAGEHEIGHT=main.htm=(imageId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the height of an image
CREATEHUDLABEL=main.htm=(x, y, width, height, text$) ;Returns element id - Create a HUD label
CREATEHUDBUTTON=main.htm=(x, y, width, height, text$) ;Returns element id - Create a HUD button
CREATEHUDIMAGE=main.htm=(x, y, imageId) ;Returns element id - Create a HUD image
CREATEHUDPROGRESSBAR=main.htm=(x, y, width, height, text$, currentValue, maximumValue) ;Returns element id - Create a HUD progress bar
CREATEHUDEDITBOX=main.htm=(x, y, width, height, text$) ;Returns element id - Create a HUD editbox
POSITIONHUDITEM=main.htm= elementId, x, y - Position a HUD element
HUDITEMX=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the X position of a HUD element
HUDITEMY=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the Y position of a HUD element
RESIZEHUDITEM=main.htm=elementId, width, height - Resize a HUD element
HUDITEMWIDTH=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the width of a HUD element
HUDITEMHEIGHT=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the height of a HUD element
COLORHUDITEM=main.htm=elementId, foregroundColor, backgroundColor - Color a HUD element
HUDITEMFG=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns foreground color - Retrieve the foreground color of a HUD element
HUDITEMBG=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns background color - Retrieve the background color of a HUD element
SETHUDITEMDRAGDROP=main.htm=elementId, dragable - Set a HUD elements drag/drop ability
GETHUDITEMDRAGDROP=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not a HUD element could be dragged/dropped
SETHUDITEMTRANS=main.htm=elementId, transparent - Set if a HUD item can be transparent or not
GETHUDITEMTRANS=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not the HUD items background is transparent or not
SETHUDITEMTEXT=main.htm=elementId, text$ - Sets the text of a HUD element
GETHUDITEMTEXT=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns string - Retrieve the text of a HUD item
SETHUDITEMEDITABLE=main.htm=elementId, editable - Set a HUD item to be editable
GETHUDITEMEDITABLE=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not a HUD item is editable
HUDITEMCLICKED=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not a HUD item has been clicked
SETHUDITEMVALUES=main.htm=elementId, valueA, valueB, valueC - Set a certain amount of extra values of the HUD element
GETHUDITEMVALUEA=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve an extra value from the HUD element
GETHUDITEMVALUEB=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve an extra value from the HUD element
GETHUDITEMVALUEC=main.htm=(elementId) ;Returns integer - Retrieve an extra value from the HUD element
TEXTWITHIN=main.htm=(width, text$) ;Returns string - Get the text string that would fit within a width
DRAWLINEBOX=main.htm=x, y, x2, y2 - Draw a series of lines to make a box
DARKENCOLOR=main.htm=(color, amount) ;Returns dword - Darken a color by a certain amount
BRIGHTENCOLOR=main.htm=(color, amount) ;Returns dword - Brighten a color by a certain amount
FADECOLOR=main.htm=(color, color2, amount) ;Returns dword - Fade a color, by another color, by a certain amount
DRAWHUDITEM=main.htm=elementId - Draw, and control a HUD element
HUDITEMEXIST=main.htm=(elementId) ;Retrieve rather or not a HUD element exists
DELETEHUDITEM=main.htm=elementId - Delete a HUD element
READIMAGEFROMIMAGE=main.htm=imageSource, imageDest, offsetX, offsetY, width, height - Reads an image from another image
RESIZEBITLIST=main.htm=size - Set the size of the bitlist
BITLISTSIZE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size of the bitlist
SETBITLIST=main.htm=position, byte - Set a byte in the bitlist
GETBITLIST=main.htm=(position) ;Returns byte - Retrieve a byte in the bitlist
EMPTYBITLIST=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Empty all data from the bitlist
GETOSMAJORVERSION=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns DWORD - Retrieve the Major version of the OS
GETOSMINORVERSION=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns DWORD - Retrieve the Minor version of the OS
GETOSBUILD=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns DWORD - Retrieve the build of the OS
CREATEDOSCONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Create the DOS console
WRITEDOSCONSOLE=main.htm=text$ - Write to the DOS console
SETDOSCONSOLETITLE=main.htm=text$ - Set the title text of the DOS console window
DESTROYDOSCONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Destroy the DOS console
CREATEWNDCONSOLE=main.htm=width, height, title [, x, y] - Create a seperate window console (x, and y will make the console inside the main window)
DESTROYWNDCONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Destroy a seperate window console
SHOWWNDCONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Show the seperate window console
HIDEWNDCONSOLE=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Hide the seperate window console
SETWNDCONSOLETITLE=main.htm=title$ - Set the title text of the seperate window console
WRITEWNDCONSOLESTRING=main.htm=string$ - Send a string into the seperate window console buffer
GETWNDCONSOLECONTAINERHWND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) - Retrieve the seperate window console's container handle
GETWNDCONSOLEBUFFERHWND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) - Retrieve the seperate window console's buffer handle
GETWNDCONSOLEINPUTHWND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) - Retrieve the seperate window console's input handle
GETDESKTOPMOUSEX=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Get the absolute X position of the cursor
GETDESKTOPMOUSEY=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Get the absolute Y position of the cursor
GETUSERNAME=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns string - Get the name of the current user
GETCOMPUTERNAME=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns string - Get the name of the computer
GETOEMID=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Get the OEM ID
MIN=main.htm=(valueA, valueB) ;Returns a value - Retrieve the minimum value of 2 values
MAX=main.htm=(valueA, valueB) ;Returns a value - Retrieve the maximum value of 2 values
GETWNDCONSOLEINPUTTEXT=main.htm=text$, textLength - Retrieves the text of the input box in the seperate window console
GETWNDCONSOLEINPUTLENGTH=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the length of the text in the input box for the seperate window console.
WNDCONSOLEINPUTGIVEN=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve if the enter key was pressed for the seperate window console
SETWNDCONSOLEINPUTTEXT=main.htm=text$ - Set the text in the input box for the seperate window console
KILOBYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a kilobyte
MEGABYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a megabyte
GIGABYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a gigabyte
TERABYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a terabyte
PETABYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a petabyte
EXABYTE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns dword - Retrieve the size, in bytes, of a exabyte
SETENTRYBUFFER=main.htm=newString$ - Set the entry buffer, the entry buffer can be retrieved with entry$()
STRINGTOKEN=main.htm=(string$, delimiter$) ;Returns string - Finds an occurance of a strings token
QUICKCOS=main.htm=(ang) ;Returns float - Quickly get a cosine value
QUICKSIN=main.htm=(ang) ;Returns float - Quickly get a sine value
TEXT=main.htm=x, y, width, height, text$ - Draws text
BATCH=main.htm=string$ - Execute a batch command
What? You mean I cant sleep here???