That's a good idea. Alright I'll do that S4. Just let me dig up the set and final rules real quick.
Insane FPS is now going to hold their competition.
The competition will be on the best house design. Judged on 4 factors.
1. Realism- Is the house realistic? Do the entities you placed belong in realistic areas? You know, that type of realism thing.
2. Artful- Is the house decorated accordingly? Or is it just a plain room with nothing in it.
3. Loading and Frame Rates speed- Are the loading times drastic and how are the Frames? All those entities might cause a big slow down.
4. Custom media- Everyone needs custom media. We've all seen the stock media so show us something new.
This is quite simple. You have 4 layers to work with. The top layer MUST be used as a roof. So you can only have 3 layers to make rooms with.
There is only one announced winner. Depending on the amount that enter I may make it the top 3.
The final build must be in a .zip or a .exe
You must upload it to
Remember, you may only use 4 layers. Each layer must be no larger than 12x10 segment units.
You may not use stolen or pirated media. If you submit a house with stolen or pirated media you will not be entered and you will be banned permanently. Over here at Insane FPS we take pirating and stealing media very seriously.
The maximum file size is 300 mb.
The forum rules apply.
This contest begins the minute you finish reading this until May 11 11:59 (Eastern Standard Time) (23:59 for countries outside of the U.S.)
You do not need to make your own music or menu screen. No extra points will be awarded.
Judges will be given detailed instructions on how to (yes you guessed it) judge the entries.
S4real's Vishnu.
And Bloodeath666's blood and stuff. ~NOTE~ At this moment he is not finished with the pack. If chosen you will receive when he finishes.
(Other prizes may be put up throughout the contest.)
Gone Model Pack 1 ~NOTE~ Same as Bloodeath666's Blood and Stuff Pack
Commander in Chief - Official Judge #1
We are in need of judges.
You may only claim a prize if you register. If you do not register, then you can only bear the title of the winner.