Well basically what the thread title suggests, I am making a list of all the things people would like to see in FPSC X10. Please try and keep them realistic or important (no pink fluffy bunny character request OK
) Also please try and keep it down to three ideas or less. Just post here if you have anything burning that you think X10 needs to make it able to match (or beat!) today's games. Also please list whether you think your idea is really needed (like something that could affect you willingness to get X10), just something that you would like to see or just a dream that would be nice if it came true (example: vehicles). I will start off;
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Please keep your idea down to a paragraph (about 5 lines) thank you.
========================Important Ideas============================
(1) Characters that can move their arms (and guns) or down when they look up or down. From: me
(2) Non-way-pointed character navigation. I think a great feature would be to have some sort of zone, that if a character is placed inside, it will navigate the selected zone randomly, instead of using way-points, until the character is triggered to do something, for example, a randomly navigating enemy sees the player and reverts to it's attack script instead of wondering around. This would be great for things such as populating streets with civilians. From: Flash
(3) Third person view option, although this is not likely it would be nice. From: game lover and BMB
(4) An option in the player start marker to drop all your weapons from the previous levels. So you would click on the player start marker and the there would be an option somewhere that would say drop weapons; then you could select yes or no. Useful for levels in teammates bases and jails. From: Warren
(5) Ammo Limit for the weapons (so that you could not carry infinite ammo) This could be a numeral value you set in the gun properties.
(6) Iron-sights. (not scope sprites, but in 3D, animated [like in Call of Duty]), 2 shooting modes like in Far-Cry (dream), laser aim (like in chronicles of Riddick) etc. From: Accoun
===========================Nice Ideas==============================
(1) Matching hands (in shape and textures) with for
all the weapons including model packs, possibly with a few alternate textures. From: me
(2) Water currents. so that for example, if you were to place a box into water, the water would carry it in a certain direction. You should also be able to set the current strength, low strength will carry boxes and small objects, the higher the strength the bigger objects the current can carry, this would also effect the player, pushing them in a chosen direction, the stronger the current, the stronger the push against the player. From: Flash
(3) Head-shots and/or hit-boxes maybe with damage values for different locations. From: BIG Viking Games and phil 17
(4) Allowing changing different values in the game when player character 'activates' something somehow, most likely with event-zones. With this you could for player's or other entity's health/ammo/points/something to the exact value you'd like to while in game, same for the enemies. I believe this would require a custom script that effects the certain "groups" in the level, that have to be created first by naming the wanted objects (for example enemy groups: Aiko1, Grunt3... own "group" for the player's stats.)
(5) 3D sound-zones. In X9 the sound plays "inside" your head, not great for someone to shout something for you. I would like an trigger-activated sound-zone so if you go on the trigger-zone the sound-zone activates and plays the sound were the sound-zone is, not were the player is. Both great for someone who shouts orders to you from distance and other cool effects. From: BIG Viking Games
(6) I would like to be able to right click and through a grenade while holding any gun/weapon. Maybe Plasma or sticky grenades as most people call them. (maybe you could press a button to do this because right mouse is scope already).
(7) Multiple win-zones, allowing us to have more open ended game-play, if each win-zone could send you to a different level, allowing you to backtrack through levels and giving the player a choice of which path to take. For this to work truly effectively though, you would also need multiple start markers, so that players would be able to re enter a level from different locations, depending on what level and win-zone they used to get there. To backtrack to the previous level through the entrance to your current level would look terrible if you ended up coming out at the beginning of the previous level, instead of at whichever exit you used.
(8) Recoil.
=======================Dreams can come true========================
(1) Turrets, like when you place a gun down you can set whether it is a turret or not. From: me
(2) Water markers, so instead of it just raising water for the
entire level you put the markers down for water and you can still raise and lower them. From: its that guy
(3) I don't really care what or how this is done, but I would love to have some sort of drivable vehicle. Anything. Even the old FPS game Tribes had them to some extent. For people on the border line of weather or not to buy the program, this would help them make their mind up to get it as an awesome bonus. In fact I know a few people this situation would fit. I'm sure if it was a feature the community would work with it to make it into something great. From: BMB
(4) To put it simply, Enemies and maybe even the player character could gain different amounts of damage according the direction the attack hits him. So for example if enemy would get hit from behind, he would get more/less damage than if hit from the front of him. This feature could be edited in the editor by changing a couple different values, you could also create enemies that seem to be heavily armoured backs, but are more vulnerable in the front etc.
(5) A good terrain system.
(6) A MUST HAVE for an FPS, there should be an option to have a "sun" put in so for outside levels things would cast a shadow like it was really outside in the sun because this would be nice so you wouldn't have to put a light really high up, cause that never looks anywhere near good
(7) Toggle Motion Blur
(8) Camera hurt effects, like swinging camera when hit
(9) When low health, breathe heavier and sight gets blur
=========================I'm picky so what?========================
(1) We need some fine-tuning on the physics. I think the ODE-engine should be well able to handle such realistic details as spherical objects actually rolling, as well as cylindrical objects, containers especially, should like 'roll' on the edge if pushed, like in Half-Life 2 (and IRL for that matter), when if you push a barrel hard, it tumbles over, but if you push it just a bit, it like spins on the edges and tumble back straight.
(2) Joint physics! That would be an awesome addition for sure. Doors could depend on joint physics instead of animations, we could have links of chains put together and even ropes would be possible with a bit of work.
(3) I would probably consider this an important idea: To prevent users from reloading if the reloading button is pressed even if they just reloaded, or already has maximum bullets in a round. For example... in FPSC, you can still "reload" as much as times as you want even if you're full on ammo.
(4) Being able to make cheats for your game.
Just some final notes, make sure you idea isn't already in FPSC FPSC X10 please and if you want to change/remove any of you ideas please tell me which ones and I will do so. Oh and if any of the FPSC X10 development team want to make use of any of these ideas then I'm sure we will all be very exited
P.S. I know we've all been patiently waiting for FPSC X10 but the longer it takes to come out the more time TGC has to add new features!